This project is a compilation of designs created by students with little to no knowledge in electronics, as a part of a hands-on learning course during * SEMANA UCU* , with their outputs multiplexed so we can test all. There were 15 total projects submitted, based on 3 different guidelines. Select the project using mux_in[0:3].
1- Basic Project
- Description: A shift register with ui_in[0] as input and ui_in[1] as external clock. When the shift register contains a specific key chosen by the students, ui_out[0] is driven to 1.
- How to test: Connect ui_in[1] with an external clock and insert the key via ui_in[1] form MSB to LSB
2- Advanced Project N°1
- Description: Decoder from 3 bits to 7 segment display with ui_in[2:0] as inputs. Some groups upped it to 4 bits
- How to test: Input a 3 bit number through ui_in[2:0] and check if the output lights up the correct number (Watch out, most groups made ui_in[0] be the MSB and ui_in[2] be the LSB of your input)
3- Advanced Project N°2
- Description: A 3 bit counter, driven by an external clock through ui_in[0], connected to the 3 bits to 7 segment display decoder from Advanced Project N°1. Once again some groups upped both the counter and the decoded to 4 bits.
- How to test: Connect ui_in[0] to an external clock and check if the 7 segment display lights up correctly.
Projects (Ordered by mux value)
Group 0
- Member(s): Locatelli, Roldós
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°1
- Details: Uses 4 bits as input, and a common cathode display
Group 1
- Member(s): Giacometti, Salvo, Varela
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°2
- Details: Uses a common cathode display, and counts up to 10 and overflows.
Group 2
- Member(s): Raposo
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°1
- Details: Uses 3 bits as input, and a common cathode display
Group 3
- Member(s): Bava, Perez
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°1
- Details: Uses 3 bits as input, and a common cathode display
Group 4
- Member(s): Firpo, Pursals
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°1
- Details: Uses 3 bits as input, and a common cathode display
Group 5
- Member(s): Martinez
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°2
- Details: Uses a common cathode display, and counts up to 8 and overflows.
Group 6
- Member(s): Nasso, Juarez
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°2
- Details:Uses a common cathode display, and counts up to 16 and overflows. (Only displays correctly up to 9)
Group 7
- Member(s): Lenzuen, Gauthier
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°2
- Details:Uses a common anode display, and counts up to 8 and overflows. In this case, clock is driven by ui_in[1], and ui_in[0] sets the counter to 7
Group 8
- Member(s): Mendez, Vago
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Advanced Project N°2
- Details:Uses a common cathode display, and counts up to 16 and overflows. (Only displays correctly up to 9)
Group 9
- Member(s): Albín
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Key is 0x11
Group 10
- Member(s): Muniz
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Key is 0xB2
Group 11
- Member(s): Cerizola, Mesa
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Key is 0x80
Group 12
- Member(s): Romano, Ventós
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Both 0x7F and 0xFF work as key
Group 13
- Member(s): Locatelli, Roldós
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Key is 0x49
Group 14
- Member(s): Hernández, Pedron
- Wokwi:
- Guideline chosen for project: Basic Project
- Details: Key is 0x55

External hardware
7 segment displays (common anode and common cathode)