
Make sure your top module is named uniquely.

I recommend including your github username:

# bad
module top ( )

# good
module tt_um_mattvenn_top ( )

Follow exactly the module definition

# bad
module tt_um_mattvenn_seven_segment_seconds (
    input [100:0] my_bus,
    output [3:0] outputs

# good
module tt_um_mattvenn_seven_segment_seconds (
    input  wire [7:0] ui_in,    // Dedicated inputs
    output wire [7:0] uo_out,   // Dedicated outputs
    input  wire [7:0] uio_in,   // IOs: Input path
    output wire [7:0] uio_out,  // IOs: Output path
    output wire [7:0] uio_oe,   // IOs: Enable path (active high: 0=input, 1=output)
    input  wire       ena,      // will go high when the design is enabled
    input  wire       clk,      // clock
    input  wire       rst_n     // reset_n - low to reset

Beware of modifying config.tcl

Tiny Tapeout is a compromise - we try to make it easy to get to ASIC, but we have to make limitations, like IO speed, IO count, size etc. The OpenLane config file (config.tcl) comes with a settings that are optimised for the process. If you change them, you might get a design that doesn’t work. Make sure you know what you’re doing!

If you want to go full custom then check out the Zero to ASIC course.

Make sure your design isn’t optimised away

It can be very strange to come from programming to hardware design. Synthesis tools are trying to optimise your design for area and speed.

  • If you make a 32 bit register but only use the first 2 bits, Yosys will throw out the top 30 bits.
  • If you make an 8 bit CPU but only ever output 1 bit, Yosys will optimise all your data paths and logic to just keep that one bit.

How can you know if your design is being optimised? Think about how much logic and flops your design needs to get a rough cell count. It’s normal for Yosys to be able to reduce this number a bit, but if it’s half as much as you expect or less, it’s worth checking.

If you have a good testbench, you can run it on the GL verilog and that will help you make sure your design is still working after synthesis.

Check the synthesis Warnings

Look at the GitHub action log for the GDS build. Any Yosys warnings will be shown on the page. Common ones include:

  • Multiple conflicting drivers
  • Unconnected nets
  • Outputs not being driven
  • Combinational loops