Teaching resources

Tiny Tapeout is an educational project that makes it easier to teach digital design and practical to get those designs manufactured onto real chips.

Our pricing model makes it easy to put many designs onto one chip that is then shared between students.

Hi, I’m a professor for an Introduction to Digital Systems course and just found this and let’s just say this has fundamentally just changed our entire Computer Engineering curriculum. It looks like we can actually have first-year students designing ASICs, then be able later to analyze performance while taking their electronics course and learning about MOSFETs as well as their embedded systems and computer architecture. Russell Trafford, Rowan University

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Advice for High schools



  • Participants need a laptop and ideally headphones and a mouse.
  • Use the workshop slides to explain how the program will work.
  • Students should complete the digital guide.
  • Confident students can make their own designs.
  • Students who need more help can customise one of the customisable projects


  • Either submit the participant’s designs yourself with a credit card or contact us to get prepaid tokens.
  • This is a new program, and we’re still unsure how long order fulfillment will take, but it’s likely to be 12 months.
  • While you are waiting, you can use SiliWiz to teach how semiconductors are used to make the digital building blocks you used in the workshop.

Advice for Universities



  • Either submit the participant’s designs yourself with a credit card or contact us to get prepaid tokens.
  • This is a new program, and we’re still unsure how long order fulfillment will take, but it’s likely to be 12 months.
  • While you are waiting, you can use SiliWiz to teach how semiconductors are used to make the digital building blocks you used in the workshop.

Sign up to the mailing list

To receive more information especially for people using Tiny Tapeout for teaching, sign up to our mailing list.


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