208 Tamagotchi

208 : Tamagotchi

How it works

Connect rx and tx to a serial terminal. The game will start automatically, if the tamagotchi dies, press the reset button to start again. feed all the stats to keep the tamagotchi alive (food, sleep, happiness, hygiene, social), when the tamagotchi are sleeping, you cannot interact with it. Controls:

  • E: feed
  • S: sleep
  • P: play
  • B: clean
  • T: talk
  • W: wake up

How to test

Use a 27MHz clock. Connect rx and tx to a serial terminal. The game will start automatically, if the tamagotchi dies, press the reset button to start again.


# Input Output Bidirectional
0 rx tx none
1 none none none
2 none none none
3 none none none
4 none none none
5 none none none
6 none none none
7 none none none