966 Zoom Zoom

966 : Zoom Zoom

Design render
  • Author: Justin T, Andrew H, Simon Y, Kellen Y, Vallabh A, Nicole C
  • Description: Custom Cpu with custome external memory bus and sha-3 and CORDIC accelerators
  • GitHub repository
  • Clock: 60000000 Hz

What is Zoom Zoom?

Zoom Zoom is a custom, 16-bit, barebones CPU. We store memory externally using either a custom parallel connection or SPI. We also have a simple UART protocal implemented on the CPU as well as numerous accelerators(that may not be included in the final design due to size constraints). (Link to Document with helpful coding info)

Detailed List of Features

  • Custom Architecture and ISA
    • 16-bit instructions
    • 5 types of instructions
  • 6 general purpose registers
    • 1 flag register
    • 1 zero register
  • UART Interface
  • SPI and Custom Parallel Memeroy Interface
    • 16 bit memory address
    • supports up to 65536 memory addresses(2^16)
  • Flexible design easy integration of accelerators as instructions

The Architecture

Instruction Layout

General Instructions

Instruction Name Type Opcode Settings Description
nop No Operation 0 0000
ld Load A 0101 0 reg out = mem[mem[inst addr + 1]]
ldr Load Register A 0101 1 reg out = mem[reg1]
str Store A 0110 0 mem[mem[inst addr + 1]] = reg2
strr Store Register A 0110 1 mem[reg1] = reg2
ldi Load Immediate L 0111 reg out = L9[7:15]

ALU Instructions

Instruction Name Type Opcode Settings Description
add Add A 0001 000 reg out = reg1 + reg2
sub Subtract A 0001 001 reg out = reg1 - reg2
mult Multiply A 0001 010 reg out = reg1[0:7] * reg 2[0:7]
nand NAND A 0001 011 reg out = !(reg1 & reg2)
addi Add Immediate I 0010 0 reg out = register 2 + L8[0:7]
multi Multiply Immediate I 0010 1 reg out = register 2 * L8[0:7]
shl Shift Legt A 0001 100 reg out = reg1 << 0
shr Shift Right A 0001 101 reg out = reg1 >> 0

Branching Instructions

Instruction Name Type Opcode Settings Description
jmp Jump A 0100 000 inst addr = reg1
jmpz Jump if Zero A 0100 001 reg_out = inst addr; if (ZF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpg Jump if Greater A 0100 010 reg_out = inst addr; if (GF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpe Jump if Equal A 0100 111 reg_out = inst addr; if (EF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpl Jump if Less A 0100 011 reg_out = inst addr; if (!GF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpm Jump if Memory Flagged A 0100 100 reg_out = inst addr; if (MF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpu Jump if UART Flagged A 0100 101 reg_out = inst addr; if (UF) { inst addr = reg1 }
jmpi Jump Immediate A 0100 110 inst addr = mem[inst addr + 1]

Programming the CPU

:warning: Memory Address 769 is reserved: The Assembler does not give a warning currently!

To assemble, we use custoasm with installation instructions here. We recommend installation via rust's package manager by running cargo install customasm. You can then compile an assembly file by running customasm -o <outputfilename> <filename>. The format for the assembly file is to add #include "x3q16_ruleset.asm" to the top of each .asm file as well as that file which is located here. Instruction memory and General Purpose are all located in the same place. Thus, to store general values in memory, just jump to wherever you store it in memory.


:warning: Many are still a work in progress or aren't supported by the assembler


Approximately 50% of the computational time for the Kyber Algorithm is hashing needed for random number generation. The Kyber algorthm uses SHA-3 and SHAKE algorithms to generate cryptographically secure random polynomials and numbers. Both of these algorithm rely on the keccakf1600 state permutation which target to accelerate. More information on the keccak algorithm can be found here and the kyber algorithm here.

The branch keccak_integration holds a complete state permuation accelerator however this is not included in main since it's too big to fit for tinytapeout. A smaller accelerator is currently being worked on.

How to test

Generate the binary file from test/x3q16 and load it into memory. Reset the chip and see if anything is written in memory.

External hardware

Either a SPI ram chip or a MCU emulator of parallel storage with custom protocol



Chip location

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout 8 Factory Test) tt_um_oscillating_bones (Oscillating Bones) tt_um_urish_charge_pump (Dickson Charge Pump) tt_um_bgr_agolmanesh (Bandgap Reference) tt_um_tnt_diff_rx (TT08 Differential Receiver test) tt_um_rejunity_vga_logo (VGA Tiny Logo (1 tile)) tt_um_tommythorn_maxbw (Asynchronous Multiplier) tt_um_mattvenn_r2r_dac_3v3 (Analog 8 bit 3.3v R2R DAC) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says memory game) tt_um_rebeccargb_universal_decoder (Universal Binary to Segment Decoder) tt_um_mattvenn_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo5) tt_um_rebeccargb_hardware_utf8 (Hardware UTF Encoder/Decoder) tt_um_find_the_damn_issue (Find The Damn Issue) tt_um_brandonramos_VGA_Pong_with_NES_Controllers (VGA Pong with NES Controllers) tt_um_kb2ghz_xalu (4-bit minicomputer ALU) tt_um_rebeccargb_intercal_alu (INTERCAL ALU) tt_um_a1k0n_demo (Demo by a1k0n) tt_um_rburt16_bias_generator (Bias Generator) tt_um_zec_square1 ("SQUARE-1": VGA/audio demo) tt_um_jmack2201 (Sprite Bouncer with Looping Background Options) tt_um_ran_DanielZhu (Dice) tt_um_gfg_development_tinymandelbrot (TinyMandelbrot) tt_um_LnL_SoC (Lab and Lectures SoC) tt_um_htfab_pi_snake (Pi Snake) tt_um_tt08_aicd_playground (AICD Playground) tt_um_toivoh_demo (Sequential Shadows [TT08 demo competition]) tt_um_quarren42_demoscene_top (asic design is my passion) tt_um_crispy_vga (Crispy VGA) tt_um_MichaelBell_canon (TT08 Pachelbel's Canon demo) tt_um_shuangyu_top (Calculator) tt_um_wokwi_407306064811090945 (DDR throughput and flop aperature test) tt_um_08_sws (Sine Wave Synthesizer) tt_um_favoritohjs_scroller (VGA Scroller) tt_um_tt08_wirecube (Wirecube) tt_um_vga_glyph_mode (Glyph Mode) tt_um_a1k0n_vgadonut (VGA donut) tt_um_roy1707018 (RO) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT08 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_sign_addsub (CMOS design of 4-bit Signed Adder Subtractor) tt_um_tinytapeout_logo_screensaver (VGA Screensaver with Tiny Tapeout Logo) tt_um_patater_demokit (Patater Demo Kit Waggling Rainbow on a Chip) tt_um_algofoogle_tt08_vga_fun (TT08 VGA FUN!) tt_um_simon_cipher (simon_cipher) tt_um_thexeno_rgbw_controller (Color Controller) tt_um_demosiine_sda (DemoSiine) tt_um_bytex64_munch (Munch) tt_um_alexjaeger_ringoscillator (5MHz Ring Oscillator) tt_um_cfib_demo (cfib Demoscene Entry) tt_um_wokwi_407852791999030273 (Simple 8 Bit ALU) tt_um_Richard28277 (4-bit ALU) tt_um_betz_morse_keyer (Morse Code Keyer) tt_um_nvious_graphics (nVious Graphics) tt_um_tiny_pll (Tiny PLL) tt_um_ezchips_calc (8-Bit Calculator) tt_um_hack_cpu (HACK CPU) tt_um_noritsuna_Vctrl_LC_oscillator (Voltage Controlled LC-Oscillator) tt_um_ring_divider (Divided Ring Oscillator) tt_um_2048_vga_game (2048 sliding tile puzzle game (VGA)) tt_um_morningjava_r2r_from_matt (Bucket Brigade) tt_um_ephrenm_tsal (TSAL_TT) tt_um_kapilan_alarm (Alarm Clock) tt_um_stochastic_addmultiply_CL123abc (Stochastic Multiplier, Adder and Self-Multiplier) tt_um_wokwi_407760296956596225 (tt08-octal-alu) tt_um_dlfloatmac (DL float MAC) tt_um_wakki_0123_Raw_Transistors (Raw_Transistors) tt_um_faramire_rotary_ring_wrapper (Rotary Encoder WS2812B Control) tt_um_devstdin_LDO_OSC (LDO BG IREF OSC) tt_um_frequency_counter (Frequency Counter SSD1306 OLED) tt_um_rom_test (TT08 SKY130 ROM 'YOLO' Test) tt_um_i2c_peripheral_stevej (i2c peripherals: leading zero count and fnv-1a hash) tt_um_yuri_panchul_schoolriscv_cpu_with_fibonacci_program (schoolRISCV CPU with Fibonacci program) tt_um_yuri_panchul_adder_with_flow_control (Adder with Flow Control) tt_um_brailliance (Brailliance) tt_um_nyan (nyan) tt_um_MichaelBell_mandelbrot (VGA Mandelbrot) tt_um_ssp_opamp (2-stage Opamp Designs) tt_um_fountaincoder_top_ad (pulse_add) tt_um_edwintorok (Rounding error) tt_um_mac (MAC) tt_um_dpmu (DPMU) tt_um_JAC_EE_segdecode (7 Segment Decode) tt_um_wokwi_408118380088342529 (Traffic-light-sequence) tt_um_shiftreg_test (TT08 SKY130 Shift Register 'YOLO' Test) tt_um_yuri_panchul_sea_battle_vga_game (Sea Battle) tt_um_benpayne_ps2_decoder (PS2 Decoder) tt_um_meriac_play_tune (Super Mario Tune on A Piezo Speaker) tt_um_comm_ic_bhavuk (Comm_IC) tt_um_daosvik_aesinvsbox (AES Inverse S-box) tt_um_wokwi_408216451206371329 (Logic Test) tt_um_micro_tiles_container (Micro tile container) tt_um_cattuto_sr_latch (TT08 - experiments with latch-based shift registers) tt_um_rejunity_vga_test01 (VGA Drop (audio/visual demo)) tt_um_silice (Warp) tt_um_wokwi_408231820749720577 (Abacus Lock) tt_um_jayjaywong12 (mulmul) tt_um_emmyxu_obstacle_detection (Obstacle Detection) tt_um_neural_navigators (Neural Net ASIC) tt_um_a1k0n_nyancat (VGA Nyan Cat) tt_um_rebeccargb_styler (Styler) tt_um_resfuzzy (resfuzzy) tt_um_cejmu (CEJMU Beers and Adders) tt_um_16_mic_beamformer_arghunter (16 Mic Beamformer) tt_um_pdm_pitch_filter_arghunter (PDM Pitch Filter) tt_um_pdm_correlator_arghunter (PDM Correlator) tt_um_ddc_arghunter (DDC) tt_um_i2s_to_pwm_arghunter (I2S to PWM ) tt_um_georgboecherer_vco (Analog Voltage Controlled Oscillator) tt_um_supermic_arghunter (Supermic ) tt_um_dmtd_arghunter (DMTD ) tt_um_htfab_bouncy_capsule (Bouncy Capsule) tt_um_samuelm_pwm_generator (PWM generator) tt_um_mattvenn_analog_ring_osc (Ring Oscillators) tt_um_toivoh_demo_deluxe (Sequential Shadows Deluxe [TT08 demo competition]) tt_um_vga_clock (VGA clock) tt_um_z2a_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo) tt_um_faramire_stopwatch (Simple Stopwatch) tt_um_micro_tiles_container_group2 (Micro tile container (group 2)) tt_um_johshoff_metaballs (Metaballs) tt_um_top (Flame demo) tt_um_NicklausThompson_SkyKing (SkyKing Demo) tt_um_Electom_cla_4bits (4-bit CLA) tt_um_vga_cbtest (Generate VGA output for Color Blindness Test) tt_um_zoom_zoom (Zoom Zoom) tt_um_dpmunit (DPM_Unit) tt_um_clock_divider_arghunter (Clock Divider ) tt_um_dlmiles_poc_fskmodem_hdlctrx (FSK Modem +HDLC +UART (PoC)) tt_um_emilian_muxpga (TinyFPGA resubmit for TT08) tt_um_pyamnihc_dummy_counter (Dummy Counter) tt_um_whynot (Why not?) tt_um_sudana_ota5t_1 (5-T OTA) tt_um_dlmiles_tt08_poc_uart (UART) tt_um_dendraws_donut (donut) tt_um_wokwi_408237988946759681 (Counter) tt_um_tmkong_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer) Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available