This project was sponsored by The MITRE Corporation and MIT/LL Beaverworks Summer Institute . This is a simple alarm clock. There are two inputs alarm_hours and alarm_minutes. These two inputs are to be set to values less than 23 and 59 respectively. The output pin "alarm" is expected to be asserted when the internal counters hours and minutes hit the expected alarm_hours and alarm_minutes respectively. Alarm output will be stuck at 1 until reset. Time at which Alarm is triggered are also sent out as output for comparison. Due to limited number of Inputs and outputs available, some of the inout pins are used as well. output enable pins are used to mask the inputs and outputs appropriately.
Use below testbench to input specific values to inputs and observe alarm asserted and output hours and minutes match with inputs.
module tb();
reg clk, rst_n; reg [5:0] alarm_minutes; reg [4:0] alarm_hours;
tt_um_kapilan_alarm dut( .ui_in({alarm_minutes[2:0],alarm_hours[4:0]}), .uo_out(), .uio_in({5'b0,alarm_minutes[5:3]}), .uio_out(), .uio_oe(), .ena(1'b1), .clk(clk), .rst_n(rst_n) );
initial begin rst_n = 1'b0; #100; rst_n = 1'b1; alarm_hours = 5'd3; alarm_minutes = 6'd43; end initial begin clk = 1'b0; forever begin #20; clk = ~clk; end end initial begin $dumpfile("alarm_dump.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,tb); #1000000; $finish; end
# | Input | Output | Bidirectional |
0 | alarm_hours[0] | hours[0] | alarm_minutes[3] |
1 | alarm_hours[1] | hours[1] | alarm_minutes[4] |
2 | alarm_hours[2] | hours[2] | alarm_minutes[5] |
3 | alarm_hours[3] | hours[3] | |
4 | alarm_hours[4] | hours[4] | minutes[3] |
5 | alarm_minutes[0] | minutes[0] | minutes[4] |
6 | alarm_minutes[1] | minutes[1] | minutes[5] |
7 | alarm_minutes[2] | minutes[2] |