782 : SPELL

Design render

How it works

SPELL is a minimal, stack-based programming language created for The Skull CTF.

The language is defined by the following cryptic piece of Arduino code:

void spell() {

 sp-1]=EEPROM.         read(s[sp-1]|0        );break;case
  "!!!"[0]:             666,EEPROM              .write(s
   [sp-1]                ,s[sp-2]                );sp=+
    sp-02;               ;break;                 1;case
    "Arr"[               1]:  s[+               sp-1]=
    *(char*)            (s[+   sp-1           ]);break
      ;case'w':*   (char*)(     s[+sp-1])  =s[sp-+2];
        sp-=2;break;case+       'x':s[sp] =s[sp-1
           ];s[sp-1]=s[sp   +    -2];s[sp-2]=s[
            0|sp];break;    ;;    case"zzz"[0
             ]:sleep();"   Arrr  ";break;case
             255  :return;;  default:s  [sp]
              =+   op;sp+=    1,1   ;}pc=
               +    pc  +      1;      %>


This design is an hardware implementation of SPELL with the following features:

  • 256 bytes of program memory (volatile, simulates EEPROM)
  • 32 bytes of stack memory
  • 32 bytes of data memory
  • 8 bidirectional pins and up to 8 output-only pins

Initially, all the program memory is filled with 0xFF, and the stack and data memory are filled with 0x00. The program counter is set to 0x00, and the stack pointer is set to 0x00.

To load a program or inspect the internal state, the design provides access to the following registers via a simple serial interface:

Address Register name Description
0x00 PC Program counter
0x01 SP Stack pointer
0x02 EXEC Execute-in-place (write-only)
0x03 STACK Stack access (read the top value, or push a value)

The serial interface is implemented using a shift register, which is controlled by the following signals:

Pin Type Description
reg_sel input Select the register to read/write
load input Load the selected register with the value from the shift register
dump input Dump the selected register value to the shift register
shift_in input Serial data input
shift_out output Serial data output (when porta[3] is disabled)

When load is high, the value from the shift register is loaded into the selected register. When dump is high, the value of the selected register is dumped into the shift register, and can be read after two clock cycles by reading shift_out (MSB first).

For example, if you want to read the value of the program counter (PC), you would:

  1. Set reg_sel to 0x00 and set dump to 1
  2. Wait for two clock cycles for the first bit (MSB) to appear on shift_out.
  3. Read the remaining bits from shift_out on each clock cycle.

To write a value to the program counter, you would:

  1. Write the value to the shift register, one bit at a time, starting with the MSB.
  2. Set reg_sel to 0x00 and set load to 1.
  3. Wait for a single clock cycle for the value to be loaded.

Writing an opcode to the EXEC register will execute the opcode in place, without modifying the program counter (unless the opcode is a jump instruction).

The STACK register is used to push a value onto the stack or read the top value from the stack (for debugging purposes).

Data memory and registers

The data memory space is divided into two regions:

Address range Description
0x00 - 0x1F General-purpose data storage (data memory)
0x20 - 0x5F I/O and control registers

Other addresses are reserved for future use, and should not be accessed.

The following registers are available in the data memory space:

Address Name Description
0x36 PINB Read the value of the portb pins, or toggle the output when written to
0x37 DDRB Set the direction of the portb pins (0 = input, 1 = output)
0x38 PORTB Write to the portb pins
0x39 PINA Toggle the output on porta pins (write only; read returns 0x00)
0x3A DDRA Enables of the porta pins (0 = disabled, 1 = output)
0x3B PORTA Write to the porta (output only) pins

For example, to toggle the value of the portb[2] (uio[2]) pin, you would write 0x04 to the PINB register.

The porta[3:0] pins are also used for debug output, and their function is determined by the DDRA register:

Output pin DDRA[n] == 0 DDRA[n] == 1
0 sleep porta[0]
1 stop porta[1]
2 wait_delay porta[2]
3 shift_out porta[3]
4 0 porta[4]
5 0 porta[5]
6 0 porta[6]
7 0 porta[7]

How to test

To test SPELL, you need to load a program into the program memory and execute it. You can load the program by repeatedly executing the following steps for each byte of the program:

  1. Write the byte to the top of the stack (using the STACK register)
  2. Write the address of the byte in the program memory to top of the stack
  3. Write the opcode ! to the EXEC register

After loading the program, you can execute it by writing the address of the first byte in the program memory to the PC register, and then pulsing the run signal.

Test programs

The following program will spell "SPELL" on the Tiny Tapeout demo board's 7-segment display: (see what we did there?)

[127, 58, 119, 0, 129, 57, 57, 244, 62, 116, 109, 50, 0, 38, 94, 59, 119, 250, 44, 0, 59, 119, 25, 44, 11, 64, 3, 61]

The program bytes should be loaded into the program memory starting at address 0.

And of course, the obligatory blink, rapidly blinking an LED connected to the uio[0] pin:

[1, 55, 119, 1, 54, 119, 250, 44, 3, 61]

External hardware



When reseting the chip, bytes 0-3 and 128-131 of the program memory are not reset to 0xFF, and retain their values from the last program loaded (or a random value on power-up). All other program memory bytes are reset to 0xFF, as expected. This happens due to a timing issue with the DFFRAM write operation that affects the first word of each program memory bank.



User feedback

Chip location

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout 7 Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT07 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_urish_charge_pump (Dickson Charge Pump) tt_um_adennen_inverter (Aron's analog buffer test) tt_um_rejunity_z80 (Zilog Z80) tt_um_kianv_bare_metal (KianV RISC-V RV32E Baremetal SoC) tt_um_macros77_subneg (SUBNEG CPU) tt_um_eater_8bit (Tiny Eater 8 Bit) tt_um_ender_clock (clock) tt_um_wokwi_397140982440144897 (7-Seg 'Tiny Tapeout' Display) tt_um_wokwi_397142450561071105 (Padlock) tt_um_Burrows_Katie (QIF Neuron) tt_um_vga_clock (VGA clock) tt_um_aidenfoxivey (CRC-8 CCITT) tt_um_PUF (Reversible logic based Ring-Oscillator Physically Unclonable Function (RO-PUF)) tt_um_devinatkin_dual_oscillator (dual oscillator) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says memory game) tt_um_ajstein_stopwatch (Stopwatch Project) tt_um_rnunes2311_12bit_sar_adc (12 bit SAR ADC) tt_um_DanielZhu123 (calculator) tt_um_wokwi_397268065185737729 (Mini Light Up Game) tt_um_toivoh_basilisc_2816 (Basilisc-2816) tt_um_MichaelBell_rle_vga (RLE Video Player) tt_um_wokwi_397774697322214401 (secret L) tt_um_ccattuto_charmatrix (Serial Character LED Matrix) tt_um_The_Chairman_send_receive (Send Receive) tt_um_mini_aie_2x2 (mini-aie-cgra) tt_um_twin_tee_opamp_osc (Twin Tee Sine Wave Generator) tt_um_brucemack_sb_mixer (Single Balanced Mixer) tt_um_revenantx86_tinytpu (TinyTPU) tt_um_chess (Chess) tt_um_vga_perlin (VGA Perlin Noise) tt_um_calonso88_74181 (ALU 74181) tt_um_tinytapeout_dvd_screensaver (DVD Screensaver with Tiny Tapeout Logo (Tiny VGA)) tt_um_TD4_Assy_KosugiSubaru (4bit_CPU_td4) tt_um_drburke3_top (FastMagnitudeComparator) tt_um_pongsagon_tiniest_gpu (Tiniest GPU) tt_um_jorga20j_prng (8 bit PRNG) tt_um_ejfogleman_smsdac8 (8-bit DEM R2R DAC) tt_um_ccattuto_conway (Conway's Terminal) tt_um_fp_mac (FP-8 MAC Module) tt_um_router (router) tt_um_serdes (SerDes) tt_um_rejunity_analog_dac_ay8913 (AY-8193 single channel DAC) tt_um_riscv_spi_wrapper (RISCV32I with spi wrapper) tt_um_mos_bandgap (MOS Bandgap) tt_um_shadow1229_vga_player (VGA player) tt_um_explorer (Explorer) tt_um_rtmc_top_jrpetrus (Real Time Motor Controller) tt_um_28add11_QOAdecode (QOA Decoder) tt_um_toivoh_basilisc_2816_cpu_OL2 (Basilisc-2816) tt_um_afasolino (integer to posit converter and adder ) tt_um_8bit_vector_compute_in_SRAM (8-bit Vector Compute-in-SRAM) tt_um_lfsr (LFSR) tt_um_tnt_diff_rx (TT07 Differential Receiver test) tt_um_urish_spell (SPELL) tt_um_underserved (underserved) tt_um_dpetrisko_ttdll (TTDLL) tt_um_mitssdd (co processor for precision farming) tt_um_wokwi_399192124046955521 (ECC_test1) tt_um_dusterthefirst_project (Communicate 433) tt_um_xeniarose_sha256 (tiny sha256) tt_um_njp_micro (MicroCode Multiplier) tt_um_VishalBingi_r2r_4b (4-bit R2R DAC) tt_um_lisa (LISA Microcontroller with TTLC) tt_um_template (TT7 Simple Clock) tt_um_seanyen0_SIMON (SIMON) tt_um_agurrier_mastermind (Mastermind) tt_um_KolosKoblasz_mixer (Gilbert Mixer) tt_um_Saitama225_comp (Analog comparator) tt_um_tt7_meonwara (TBD) tt_um_multiplier_mbm (Modified Booth Multiplier) tt_um_delay_line_tmng (Delay Line Time Multiplexed NAND Gate) tt_um_mandelbrot_accel (Mandelbrot Set Accelerator (32-bit IEEE 754)) tt_um_dvxf_dj8v_dac (DJ8 8-bit CPU w/ DAC) tt_um_obriensp_pll (PLL Playground) tt_um_unisnano (unisnano) tt_um_alfiero88_CurrentTrigger (Current Mode Trigger) tt_um_CktA_InstAmp (Instrumentation Amplifier for Electrocardiogram Signal Adquisition) tt_um_lcasimon_tdc (Analog TDC) tt_um_neural_network (Neural Network dinamic) tt_um_PS_PWM (Phase Shifted PWM Modulator) tt_um_litneet64_ro_puf (RO-based Physically Unclonable Function (PUF)) tt_um_wokwi_399163158804194305 (Digital Timer) tt_um_algofoogle_raybox_zero (raybox-zero TT07 edition) tt_um_wokwi_399336892246401025 (UART) tt_um_wokwi_399169514887574529 (Gaussian Blur) tt_um_maheredia (GPS signal generator) tt_um_pwm_elded (UACJ_PWM) tt_um_wokwi_399447152724198401 (8-Bit Register) tt_um_adonairc_dda (DDA solver for van der Pol oscillator) tt_um_6bitaddr (6 bit addr) tt_um_btflv_subleq (Subleq CPU with FRAM and UART) tt_um_emern_top (badGPU) tt_um_wokwi_399469995038350337 (dEFAULt 2hAC) tt_um_mixed_signal_pulse_gen (mixed_signal_pulse_gen) tt_um_maxluppe_digital_analog (All Digital DAC and Analog Comparators) tt_um_pyamnihc_dummy_counter (Dummy Counter) tt_um_wokwi_399488550855755777 (My 9-year-old son made an 8-bit counter chip) tt_um_toivoh_basilisc_2816_cpu_exp (Basilisc-2816 Experimental) tt_um_htfab_fprn (Field Programmable Resistor Network) tt_um_rejunity_ay8913 (Classic 8-bit era Programmable Sound Generator AY-3-8913) tt_um_maxluppe_NIST (Four NIST SP 800-22 tests implementation) tt_um_vga_snake (VGA Snake Game) tt_um_cm_1 (GDS counter-measures experiment 1) tt_um_nurirfansyah_alits02 (Analog Test Circuit ITS 2) tt_um_analog_rf_readout_circuit (RF_peripheral_circuits) tt_um_jleightcap (fractran-tt) tt_um_wokwi_399518371950068737 (Full-adder out of a kmap) tt_um_davidparent_hdl (PRBS Generator) tt_um_adia_psu_seq_test (Adiabatic PSU sequencer test) tt_um_spacecat_chan_john_pong_the_second (John Pong The Second) tt_um_rajum_iterativeMAC (Iterative MAC) tt_um_asinghani_tinywspr (TinyWSPR) tt_um_thatoddmailbox (DuckCPU) tt_um_rejunity_vga (VGA Checkers) tt_um_8bitadder (Ripple Carry Adder 8 bit) tt_um_vzayakov_top (Pong-VGA) tt_um_pa1mantri_cdc_fifo (Clock Domain Crossing FIFO) Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available 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