Replica of the famous 4-bit slice arithmetic logic unit (ALU).
The project instantiate two times the replica of the 74818 to perform mathematical and logical operations on 8 bit words.
A multiplex is used to taps different parts of the user logic and map them to the 7 segment display to support debug.
Due to I/O constraints, a SPI slave peripheral has been created to load/read data into the design.
SPI Slave peripheral implementation supports all 4 SPI modes of operation. 8 Configurable (Read/Write) registers. 8 Status (Read only) registers.
RP2040 SPI1 is used to communicate with the device. Map SPI1 IOs to GPIOs 24 to 27.
Address | Type of register |
0 | Configurable Read/Write register [0] - Data A (8 bits) |
1 | Configurable Read/Write register [1] - Data B (8 bits) |
2 | Configurable Read/Write register [2] - {c_in, M, S3, S2, S1, S0} [5:0] (6 bits) |
3 | Configurable Read/Write register [3] - Select for 7 segment display [2:0] (3 bits) |
4 | Configurable Read/Write register [4] |
5 | Configurable Read/Write register [5] |
6 | Configurable Read/Write register [6] |
7 | Configurable Read/Write register [7] |
8 | Status Read Only register [0] - Data F (8 bits) |
9 | Status Read Only register [1] - {c_out0, equal0, p0, g0, c_out1, equal1, p1, g1} [7:0] (8 bits) |
10 | Status Read Only register [2] - Output of debug Multiplexer [3:0] (4 bits) and Zeros [7:4] (4 bits) |
11 | Status Read Only register [3] - Output of bin_to_7seg_decoder (8 bits) |
12 | Status Read Only register [4] - Fixed data 8'hC4 (8 bits) |
13 | Status Read Only register [5] - Fixed data 8'h10 (8 bits) |
14 | Status Read Only register [6] - Fixed data 8'h66 (8 bits) |
15 | Status Read Only register [7] - Output of bin_to_7seg_decoder delayed by 1 clock cycle (8 bits) |
RP2040 SPI Master <--SPI--> SPI_WRAPPER <--regaccess--> User logic
Bit: | <15> <14> <13> <12> <11> <10> <9> <8> <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> |
MOSI: | 1 | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | addr[3] | addr[2] | addr[1] | addr[0] | data[7] | data[6] | data[5] | data[4] | data[3] | data[2] | data[1] | data[0] |
MISO: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
CS: 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
Wavedrom for Write data transfer:
{signal: [
{name: 'spi_cs', wave: '10................1'},
{name: 'spi_clk', wave: '0.P..............P0'},
{name: 'spi_mosi', wave: 'z1x..333344444444zz', data: ['Addr[3]', 'Addr[2]', 'Addr[1]', 'Addr[0]', 'Data[7]', 'Data[6]', 'Data[5]', 'Data[4]', 'Data[3]', 'Data[2]', 'Data[1]', 'Data[0]']},
{name: 'spi_miso', wave: '0..................'}],
head: {text:
['tspan', {class:'error h3'}, 'Write transfer '],
config: { hscale: 2 },
Bit: | <15> <14> <13> <12> <11> <10> <9> <8> <7> <6> <5> <4> <3> <2> <1> <0> |
MOSI: | 0 | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | addr[3] | addr[2] | addr[1] | addr[0] | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care | Don't Care |
MISO: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | data[addr][7] | data[addr][6] | data[addr][5] | data[addr][4] | data[addr][3] | data[addr][2] | data[addr][1] | data[addr][0] |
CS: 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1
Wavedrom for Read data transfer:
{signal: [
{name: 'spi_cs', wave: '10................1'},
{name: 'spi_clk', wave: '0.P..............P0'},
{name: 'spi_mosi', wave: 'z0x..3333xxxxxxxxzz', data: ['Addr[3]', 'Addr[2]', 'Addr[1]', 'Addr[0]']},
{name: 'spi_miso', wave: 'z0.......33333333zz', data: ['Data[7]', 'Data[6]', 'Data[5]', 'Data[4]', 'Data[3]', 'Data[2]', 'Data[1]', 'Data[0]']}],
head: {text:
['tspan', {class:'error h3'}, 'Read transfer '],
config: { hscale: 2 },
Use SPI1 Master peripheral in RP2040 to start communication on SPI interface towards this design. Remember to configure the SPI mode using the switches in DIP switch (if you'd like to have CPOL=1 and CPHA=1). Alternatively, don't use the DIP switches and use the RP2040 GPIOs to configure the SPI mode in the desired mode.
Example code to initialize SPI in REPL:
spi_miso = tt.pins.pin_uio3
spi_cs = tt.pins.pin_uio4
spi_clk = tt.pins.pin_uio5
spi_mosi = tt.pins.pin_uio6
spi_miso.init(spi_miso.IN, spi_miso.PULL_DOWN)
spi = machine.SoftSPI(baudrate=10000, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=machine.SPI.MSB, sck=spi_clk, mosi=spi_mosi, miso=spi_miso)
Example code to Write to Addres[0] Data 0xA5:
spi_cs(0); spi.write(b'\x80\xa5'); spi_cs(1)
Example code to Read from Addres[12]:
spi_cs(0); spi.write(b'\x0C');; spi_cs(1)
Not required.
# | Input | Output | Bidirectional |
0 | cpol | decod_reg[0] | |
1 | cpha | decod_reg[1] | |
2 | decod_reg[2] | ||
3 | decod_reg[3] | spi_miso | |
4 | decod_reg[4] | spi_cs_n | |
5 | decod_reg[5] | spi_clk | |
6 | decod_reg[6] | spi_mosi | |
7 | decod_reg[7] |