110 SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver

110 : SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver

Design render
  • Author: Andreas Scharnreitner
  • Description: Control multiple RGB LEDs (WS2812B) via SPI
  • GitHub repository
  • Clock: 25000000 Hz

How it works

When nCS is pulled low, each clock pulse on SCLK shifts a bit from MOSI into an internal register. The internal register length is 240 bits long (10 LEDs with 3 colors and 8 bit per color). The contents of this register are then used to generate output pulses. The output pulses encode bits of the color data. They are 1.25us in length. A pulse representing a 1 has a high-time of 800ns and an low-time of 450ns. A pulse representing a 0 has a high-time of 400ns and a low-time of 850ns. Each LED consumes 24 bits. Subsequent bits are transmitted to LEDs further on the chain. When a full transmission (Every LED has received its 24 bits of color data) has occured, a reset occurs (output goes low for >= 50 us).

How to test

Connect the LED_DATA pin to the DIN pin of a string of WS2812B LEDs. Use a microcontroller to shift in color data via the SPI Interface.

External hardware

Any SPI Master (RPi, Arduino, MCU, etc.), and a String of 10 WS2812B LEDs.



Chip location

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout 06 Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_urish_charge_pump (Dickson Charge Pump) tt_um_psychogenic_wowa (WoWA) tt_um_oscillating_bones (Oscillating Bones) tt_um_kevinwguan (Crossbar Array) tt_um_coloquinte_moosic (Moosic logic-locked design) tt_um_alexsegura_pong (Pong) tt_um_iron_violet_simon (Iron Violet) tt_um_tomkeddie_a (VGA Experiments in Tennis) tt_um_MichaelBell_tinyQV (TinyQV Risc-V SoC) tt_um_andychip1_sn74169 (sn74169) tt_um_mattvenn_r2r_dac (Analog 8bit R2R DAC) tt_um_thorkn_audiochip_v2 (AudioChip_V2) tt_um_faramire_gate_guesser (Gate Guesser) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says game) tt_um_TT06_SAR_wulffern (TT06 8-bit SAR ADC) tt_um_soundgen (soundgen) tt_um_ledcontroller_Gatsch (ledcontroller) tt_um_digitaler_filter_rathmayr (Digitaler Filter) tt_um_histefan_top (Snake Game) tt_um_mayrmichael_wave_generator (Wave Generator) tt_um_advanced_counter (jku-tt06-advanced-counter) tt_um_FanCTRL_DomnikBrandstetter (PI-Based Fan Controller) tt_um_ps2_morse_encoder_top (PS/2 Keyboard to Morse Code Encoder) tt_um_calculator_muehlbb (16-bit calculator) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tempsens (Temperature Sensor NG) tt_um_haeuslermarkus_fir_filter (FIR Filter with adaptable coefficients) tt_um_mattvenn_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo) tt_um_analog_loopback (Analog loopback) tt_um_entwurf_integrierter_schaltungen_hadner (Projekt KEIS Hadner Thomas) tt_um_seven_segment_fun1 (7-segment-FUN) tt_um_moving_average_master (Moving average filter) tt_um_rgbled_decoder (SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver) tt_um_4bit_cpu_with_fsm (4-Bit CPU mit FSM) tt_um_flappy_bird (Flappy Bird) tt_um_drops (drops) tt_um_enieman (UART-Programmable RISC-V 32I Core) tt_um_gabejessil_timer (2 Player Game) tt_um_wokwi_384804985843168257 (playwithnumbers) tt_um_wokwi_384711264596377601 (luckyCube) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC)) tt_um_wokwi_384437973887503361 (Asynchronous Down Counter) tt_um_spi_pwm_djuara (spi_pwm) tt_um_SteffenReith_PiMACTop (PiMAC) tt_um_mattvenn_relax_osc (Relaxation oscillator) tt_um_jv_sigdel (1st passive Sigma Delta ADC) tt_um_wokwi_392873974467527681 (PILIPINAS) tt_um_scorbetta_goa (GOA - grogu on ASIC) tt_um_sanojn_ttrpg_dice (TTRPG Dice + simple I2C peripheral) tt_um_urish_dffram (DFFRAM Example (128 bytes)) tt_um_lucaz97_monobit (Monobit Test) tt_um_noritsuna_i4004 (i4004 for TinyTapeout) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc_v2 (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) v2) tt_um_vaf_555_timer (A 555-Timer Clone for Tiny Tapeout 6) tt_um_obriensp_be8 (8-bit CPU with Debugger (Lite)) tt_um_toivoh_retro_console (Retro Console) tt_um_mattvenn_inverter (Double Inverter) tt_um_SteffenReith_ASGTop (ASG) tt_um_lucaz97_rng_tests (rng Test) tt_um_dieroller_nathangross1 (Die Roller) tt_um_kwilke_cdc_fifo (Clock Domain Crossing FIFO) tt_um_spiff42_exp_led_pwm (LED PWM controller) tt_um_devinatkin_fastreadout (Fast Readout Image Sensor Prototype) tt_um_ja1tye_tiny_cpu (Tiny 8-bit CPU) tt_um_7seg_animated (Animated 7-segment character display) tt_um_neurocore (Neurocore) tt_um_zhwa_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer) tt_um_wokwi_394704587372210177 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ian_keypad_controller (Keypad controller) tt_um_urish_spell (SPELL) tt_um_vks_pll (PLL blocks) tt_um_fountaincoder_top (multimac) tt_um_dsatizabal_opamp (Simple FET OpAmp with Sky130.) tt_um_obriensp_be8_nomacro (8-bit CPU with Debugger) tt_um_LFSR_shivam (10-bit Linear feedback shift register) tt_um_shivam (Pulse Width Modulation) tt_um_algofoogle_tt06_grab_bag (TT06 Grab Bag) tt_um_meiniKi_tt06_fazyrv_exotiny (FazyRV-ExoTiny) tt_um_wokwi_394888799427677185 (4-bit stochastic multiplier traditional) tt_um_QIF_8bit (8 Bit Digital QIF) tt_um_MATTHIAS_M_PAL_TOP_WRAPPER (easy PAL) tt_um_andrewtron3000 (Rule 30 Engine!) tt_um_tommythorn_4b_cpu_v2 (Silly 4b CPU v2) tt_um_aerox2_jrb8_computer (The James Retro Byte 8 computer) tt_um_wokwi_394898807123828737 (4-bit Stochastic Multiplier Compact with Stochastic Resonator) tt_um_argunda_tiny_opamp (Tiny Opamp) tt_um_fdc_chip (Frequency to digital converters (asynchronous and synchronous)) tt_um_8bit_cpu (8-Bit CPU In a Week) tt_um_mitssdd (co processor for precision farming) tt_um_fstolzcode (Tiny Zuse) tt_um_liu3hao_rv32e_min_mcu (tt06-RV32E_MinMCU) tt_um_kianV_rv32ima_uLinux_SoC (KianV uLinux SoC) tt_um_wokwi_395444977868278785 (*NOT WORKING* HP 5082-7500 Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_394618582085551105 (Keypad Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_395054820631340033 (Workshop Hackaday Juli) tt_um_wokwi_395055035944909825 (Some_LEDs) tt_um_wokwi_395055351144787969 (Hack a day Tiny Tapeout project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823569451009 (First TT Project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823837887489 (Dice) tt_um_wokwi_395055341723330561 (Workshop_chip) tt_um_jduchniewicz_prng (8-bit PRNG) tt_um_wokwi_395054564978002945 (Bestagon LED matrix driver) tt_um_wokwi_395054466384583681 (1-Bit ALU 2) tt_um_wokwi_395058308283408385 (test for tiny tapeout hackaday) tt_um_s1pu11i_simple_nco (Simple NCO) tt_um_wokwi_395055359324730369 (Tiny_Tapeout_6_Frank) tt_um_disp1 (Display test 1) tt_um_pckys_game (PCKY´s Successive Approximation Game) tt_um_tiny_shader_mole99 (Tiny Shader) tt_um_wokwi_393815624518031361 (My Chip) tt_um_minibyte (Minibyte CPU) tt_um_emilian_rf_playground (IDAC8 based on divide current by 2) tt_um_triple_watchdog (Triple Watchdog) tt_um_wokwi_395142547244224513 (EFAB Demo 2) tt_um_chisel_hello_schoeberl (Chisel Hello World) tt_um_aiju_8080 (8080 CPU) tt_um_wokwi_395134712676183041 (Inverters) tt_um_nubcore_default_tape (DEFAULT) tt_um_wuehr1999_servotester (Servotester) tt_um_wokwi_395055722430895105 (Servo Signal Tester) tt_um_exai_izhikevich_neuron (Izhikevich Neuron) tt_um_lisa (LISA 8-Bit Microcontroller) tt_um_wokwi_394707429798790145 (32-Bit Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_CKPope_top (X/Y Controller) tt_um_MNSLab_BLDC (Universal Motor and Actuator Controller) tt_um_couchand_dual_deque (Dual Deque) tt_um_JamesTimothyMeech_inverter (Programmable Thing) tt_um_signed_unsigned_4x4_bit_multiplier (Signed Unsigned multiplyer) tt_um_lipsi_schoeberl (Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World) tt_um_i_tree_batzolislefteris (Anomaly Detection using Isolation trees) tt_um_wokwi_394830069681034241 (Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 bit) tt_um_rng_3_lucaz97 (RNG3) tt_um_wokwi_395263962779770881 (Bivium-B Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_dvxf_dj8 (DJ8 8-bit CPU) tt_um_silicon_tinytapeout_lm07 (Digital Temperature Monitor) tt_um_htfab_flash_adc (Flash ADC) tt_um_chisel_pong (Chisel Pong) tt_um_wokwi_395414987024660481 (HELP for tinyTapeout) tt_um_jorgenkraghjakobsen_toi2s (SPDIF to I2S decoder) tt_um_cmerrill_pdm (Parallel / SPI modulation tester) tt_um_csit_luks (CSIT-Luks) tt_um_wokwi_395357890431011841 (Trivium Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_drburke3_top (SADdiff_v1) tt_um_cejmu_riscv (TinyRV1 CPU) tt_um_rejunity_current_cmp (Analog Current Comparator) tt_um_loco_choco (BF Processor) tt_um_qubitbytes_alive (It's Alive) tt_um_wokwi_395061443288867841 (BCD to single 7 segment display Converter) tt_um_SJ (SiliconJackets_Systolic_Array) tt_um_ejfogleman_smsdac (8-bit DEM R2R DAC) tt_um_wokwi_395055455727667201 (Hardware Trojan Part II) tt_um_ericsmi_weste_problem_4_11 (Measurement of CMOS VLSI Design Problem 4.11) tt_um_wokwi_395034561853515777 (2 bit Binary Calculator) tt_um_mw73_pmic (Power Management IC) tt_um_Counter_1_shivam (8-bit Binary Counter) tt_um_wokwi_395054508867644417 (SynchMux) tt_um_otp_encryptor (TT06 OTP Encryptor) tt_um_wokwi_395514572866576385 (Parity Generator) tt_um_ADPCM_COMPRESSOR (ADPCM Encoder Audio Compressor) tt_um_3515_sequenceDetector (Sequence detector using 7-segment) tt_um_faramire_stopwatch (Simple Stopwatch) tt_um_ks_pyamnihc (Karplus-Strong String Synthesis) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8 (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned)) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8_sky130faha (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned) with sky130 HA/FA cells) tt_um_tommythorn_ncl_lfsr (NCL LFSR) tt_um_lk_ans_top (ANS Encoder/Decoder) tt_um_MichaelBell_latch_mem (Latch RAM (64 bytes)) tt_um_wokwi_395179352683141121 (Combination Lock) tt_um_Uart_Transciver (UART Transceiver) tt_um_dgkaminski (4-Bit ALU) tt_um_DigitalClockTop (TDM Digital Clock) tt_um_wokwi_394640918790880257 (IFSC Keypad Locker) tt_um_wokwi_395355133883896833 (BIT COMPARATOR) tt_um_alu (SumLatchUART_System) tt_um_alfiero88_VCII (VCII) tt_um_ALU (3-bit ALU) tt_um_topTDC (Convertidor de Tiempo a Digital (TDC)) tt_um_UABCReloj (24 H Clock) tt_um_CDMA_Santiago (CDMA_2024) tt_um_dr_skyler_clock (Clock) tt_um_motor (motor a pasos) tt_um_mult_2b (mult_2b) tt_um_CodHex7seg (Decodificador binario a display 7 segmentos hexadecimal) tt_um_S2P (Serial to Parallel Register) tt_um_PWM (PWM) tt_um_ss_register (serie_serie_register) tt_um_stepper (Stepper) tt_um_g3f (Generador digital trifásico) tt_um_ALU_DECODERS (ALU with a Gray and Octal decoders) tt_um_ram (4 bit RAM) tt_um_sap_1 (SAP-1 Computer) tt_um_guitar_pedal (Integrated Distorion Pedal) tt_um_mbalestrini_usb_cdc_devices (Two ports USB CDC device) tt_um_adammaj (Tiny ALU) tt_um_wokwi_395567106413190145 (4-Bit Full Adder and Subtractor with Hardware Trojan) tt_um_gak25_8bit_cpu_ext (Most minimal extension of friend's 'CPU In a Week' in a day) tt_um_hsc_tdc (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC) tt_um_BoothMulti_hhrb98 (UACJ-MIE-Booth 4) tt_um_dlmiles_poc_fskmodem_hdlctrx (FSK Modem +HDLC +UART (PoC)) tt_um_simplez_rcoeurjoly (tt6-simplez) tt_um_nurirfansyah_alits01 (Analog Test Circuit ITS: VCO) tt_um_ppca (drEEm tEEm PPCA) tt_um_wokwi_395522292785089537 (Displays CIt) tt_um_fpu (Dgrid_FPU) tt_um_duk_lif (Leaky Integrate and fire neuron(LIF)) tt_um_bomba1 (Latin_bomba) tt_um_chatgpt_rsnn_paolaunisa (ChatGPT designed Recurrent Spiking Neural Network) tt_um_bit_ctrl (Bit Control) tt_um_array_multiplier_hhrb98 (Array Multiplier) tt_um_wallace_hhrb98 (UACJ-Wallace multiplier) tt_um_I2C_to_SPI (TinyTapeout SPI Master) tt_um_rng (Random number generator) tt_um_wokwi_395599496098067457 (EVEN AND ODD COUNTERS) tt_um_8bitALU (8bit ALU) tt_um_aleena (Analog Sigmoid) tt_um_rejunity_1_58bit (Ternary 1.58-bit x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_rejunity_fp4_mul_i8 (FP4 x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_PWM_Controller (PWM Controller) tt_um_couchand_cora16 (CORA-16) tt_um_frq_divider (clk frequency divider controled by rom) tt_um_wokwi_390913889347409921 (Notre Dame Dorms LED) tt_um_timer_counter_UGM (4-Digit Scanning Digital Timer Counter) tt_um_koconnor_kstep (kstep) tt_um_lancemitrex (DIP Switch to HEX 7-segment Display) tt_um_PWM_Sine_UART (PWM_Sinewave_UART) tt_um_nicklausthompson_twi_monitor (TWI Monitor) tt_um_wokwi_395615790979120129 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ancho (Circuito PWM con ciclo de trabajo configurable) tt_um_wokwi_395618714068432897 (32b Fibonacci Original) tt_um_voting_thingey (Voting thingey) tt_um_hsc_tdc_buf (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - BUF2x1) tt_um_hsc_tdc_mux (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - MUX2x1) tt_um_petersn_micro1 (14 Hour Simple Computer) tt_um_sanojn_tlv2556_interface (UART interface to ADC TLV2556 (VHDL Test)) tt_um_gray_sobel (Gray scale and Sobel filter) tt_um_wokwi_395614106833794049 (Universal gates) Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available