291 Minibyte CPU

291 : Minibyte CPU

Design render

How it works

The Minibyte CPU is a simple "toy" 8-bit CPU that uses a custom RISC instruction set

The CPU also has some built in DFT (Design For Test) features and a Demo ROM that can be enabled for easy testing (some external hardware required)

This was created mostly as a learning/reference project to get more familiar with Verilog


Max CLK Frequency: 50Mhz (untested)

Data Buss Width:    8 bits
Address Buss Width: 8 bits (only 7 bits usable due to limited IO)

    A   - 8 bits wide - Accumulator
    M   - 8 bits wide - Memory Address Pointer
    PC  - 8 bits wide - Program Counter
    IR  - 8 bits wide - Instruction Register
    CCR - 2 bits wide - Condition Code Register

Memory Mapped Registers:
    R0  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 0
    R1  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 1
    R2  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 2
    R3  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 3
    R4  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 4
    R5  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 5
    R6  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 6
    R7  - 8 bits wide - Gen Purpose Reg 7

Number of Instructions: 37

    Data Inputs: 2x 8 bit inputs
    Data Output: 8 bits (result) + 2 bits (flags)

    Operations Supported:
        PASSA - Passthrough input A
        PASSB - Passthrough input B
        ADD   - Add A and B
        SUB   - Subtract B from A
        AND   - Logical and of A, B
        OR    - Logical or of A, B
        XOR   - Logical xor of A, B
        LSL   - Logical shift A left by B
        LSR   - Logical shift A right by B
        ASL   - Arithmetic shift A left by B
        ASR   - Arithmetic shift A right by B
        RSL   - Rotary shift A left by B
        RSR   - Rotary shift A right by B

        Z - Set if result is 0, otherwise clear
        N - Set if result is a negative signed int, otherwise clear


uio[7:0]    - DATA IN/OUT BUSS
ui_in[7:0]  - DFT Test and Configuration Select
uo_out[7]   - WE (Write Enable Signal)
uo_out[6:0] - ADDR OUT BUSS


The Minibyte CPU uses a very traditional architecture where most data is manipulated via a single accumulator (A Register)

The ALU operates on data from the A Register and either direct data (from memory indexed by the M register), or immediate data (from the current instruction's operand indexed by the PC register)

Minibyte Block Diagram

*Note that DFT and testing features are not represented in the above block diagram

Power Up State

Upon reset, the device will be initialized with all registers cleared to 0x00. This includes the program counter (PC register). It is expected that the program memory will start at address 0x00 to begin execution.

Instruction Set

The Minibyte CPU has 4 instruction format types. The program memory is chunked into bytes. Some instructions only occupy a single byte, while others occupy 2 bytes for an opcode and a following operand

Type Length Desc
Inherent 8 - bits IR with no operand
Immediate 16 - bits IR with an operand containing DATA
Direct 16 - bits IR with an operand containing an ADDRESS
Indirect 16 - bits IR with an operand containing an ADDRESS that points to another ADDRESS

As a visual reference, here is how we would expect a basic program to be structured in memory. Please note that all programs start execution from address 0x00 as shown.

Example Program Memory

The above program adds the numbers 0x05 and 0x03 together, and then loops back to the starting IP of 0x00

Inherent IR:
Type OP[7:0]
Inherent IR OPCODE
Immediate/Direct IR:
Type OP[15:8] OP[7:0]
Opcode Table:
NOP 0x00 N/A N/A
LDA_IMM 0x01 Immediate N/A
LDA_DIR 0x02 Direct N/A
STA_DIR 0x03 Direct N/A
STA_IND 0x04 Indirect N/A
ADD_IMM 0x05 Immediate N/A
ADD_DIR 0x06 Direct N/A
SUB_IMM 0x07 Immediate N/A
SUB_DIR 0x08 Direct N/A
AND_IMM 0x09 Immediate N/A
AND_DIR 0x0A Direct N/A
OR_IMM 0x0B Immediate N/A
OR_DIR 0x0C Direct N/A
XOR_IMM 0x0D Immediate N/A
XOR_DIR 0x0E Direct N/A
LSL_IMM 0x0F Immediate N/A
LSL_DIR 0x10 Direct N/A
LSR_IMM 0x11 Immediate N/A
LSR_DIR 0x12 Direct N/A
ASL_IMM 0x13 Immediate N/A
ASL_DIR 0x14 Direct N/A
ASR_IMM 0x15 Immediate N/A
ASR_DIR 0x16 Direct N/A
RSL_IMM 0x17 Immediate N/A
RSL_DIR 0x18 Direct N/A
RSR_IMM 0x19 Immediate N/A
RSR_DIR 0x1A Direct N/A
JMP_DIR 0x1B Direct N/A
JMP_IND 0x1C Indirect N/A
BNE_DIR 0x1D Direct Z==CLEAR
BNE_IND 0x1E Indirect Z==CLEAR
BEQ_DIR 0x1F Direct Z==SET
BEQ_IND 0x20 Indirect Z==SET
BPL_DIR 0x21 Direct N==CLEAR
BPL_IND 0x22 Indirect N==CLEAR
BMI_DIR 0x23 Direct N==SET
BMI_IND 0x24 Indirect N==SET
NOP No Operation
LDA_IMM Load A with immediate operand data
LDA_DIR Load A with the data stored at the operand addr
STA_DIR Store A at the operand addr
STA_IND Store A at the addr contained at the operand addr
ADD_IMM Add the immediate operand data to A
ADD_DIR Add the data stored at the operand addr to A
SUB_IMM Subtract the immediate operand data from A
SUB_DIR Subtract the data stored at the operand addr from A
AND_IMM And the immediate operand data with A
AND_DIR And the data stored at the operand addr with A
OR_IMM Or the immediate operand data with A
OR_DIR Or the data stored at the operand addr with A
XOR_IMM Xor the immediate operand data with A
XOR_DIR Xor the data stored at the operand addr with A
LSL_IMM Logical shift A left by the immediate operand data
LSL_DIR Logical shift A left by the data at the operand addr
LSR_IMM Logical shift A right by the immediate operand data
LSR_DIR Logical shift A right by the data at the operand addr
ASL_IMM Arithmetic shift A left by the immediate operand data
ASL_DIR Arithmetic shift A left by the data at the operand addr
ASR_IMM Arithmetic shift A right by the immediate operand data
ASR_DIR Arithmetic shift A right by the data at the operand addr
RSL_IMM Rotate A left by the immediate operand
RSL_DIR Rotate A left by the data stored at the operand addr
RSR_IMM Rotate A right by the immediate operand data
RSR_DIR Rotate A right by the data stored at the operand addr
JMP_DIR Jump PC to the operand addr
JMP_IND Jump PC to the addr stored at the operand addr
BNE_DIR Jump PC (if Z is clear) to the operand addr
BNE_IND Jump PC (if Z is clear) to the addr stored at the operand addr
BEQ_DIR Jump PC (if Z is set) to the operand addr
BEQ_IND Jump PC (if Z is set) to the addr stored at the operand addr
BPL_DIR Jump PC (if N is clear) to the operand addr
BPL_IND Jump PC (if N is clear) to the addr stored at the operand addr
BMI_DIR Jump PC (if N is set) to the operand addr
BMI_IND Jump PC (if N is set) to the addr stored at the operand addr

DFT and Extra Features

The Minibyte CPU has a few DFT features that might be useful on live silicon for debug/testing. All DFT functions are enabled by an active high signal on one of the ui_in[7:0] pins (ui_in[7:0] should be tied to zero during normal operation)

ui_in Bit Feature
ui_in [7] Enable Memory Mapped Gen Purpose Registers
ui_in [6:5] Unused
ui_in [4] Enable Demo ROM
ui_in [3] Halt Control Unit on Next Fetch
ui_in [2:0] Debug Output Signal Select
Gen Purpose Registers:

The Gen Purpose Registers are a set of 8 memory mapped general purpose registers that can be accessed at the following addresses as long as ui_in[7] is held high

Reg Name Mem Address
Register R0 0x78
Register R1 0x79
Register R2 0x7A
Register R3 0x7B
Register R4 0x7C
Register R5 0x7D
Register R6 0x7E
Register R7 0x7F
Debug Out Select:

The CPU has an extra mux between the normal addr out mux and the uo_out pins. To leverage this ui_in[2:0] can be used to select a debug signal to output on the uo_out[6:0] pins in place of the normal address buss

Debug Out Select Function
ui_in[2:0] = 0b000 Normal Operation
ui_in[2:0] = 0b001 Output A[6:0] to uo_out[6:0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b010 Output A[7] to uo_out[0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b011 Output M[6:0] to uo_out[6:0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b011 Output PC[6:0] to uo_out[6:0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b011 Output IR[6:0] to uo_out[6:0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b011 Output CCR[1:0] to uo_out[1:0]
ui_in[2:0] = 0b011 Output CU_STATE[6:0] to uo_out[6:0]

How to test


The Minibyte CPU has fairly exhaustive cocotb test suite that is able to test and verify most of the device's intended functionality.

To run the test suite, cd into the ./test directory of the project and run "make"

Simulation Results

On Live Silicon

The easiest way to test the Minibyte CPU on live silicon is to use the built-in Demo ROM

To enable the Demo ROM, make sure that ui_in[4] and ui_in[7] are held high on reset, and remain high while the program runs

Holding ui_in[4] high will enable the Demo Rom

Holding ui_in[7] high will enable the General Purpose Registers, which are required/utilized by the Demo ROM program

The Demo ROM will run the following program

        //Part 1: Binary Count
        SET A to 0

        WHILE A <= 255 {
            INCREMENT A

            WRITE A to ADDRESS 0x40

        //Part 2: Walking 1
        SET A to 1

        WHILE A > 0 {
            LEFT SHIFT A by 1

            WRITE A to ADDRESS 0x40

        //Part 3: Deadbeef to RAM/Gen Purpose Registers and back out
        LOAD 0xDEADBEEF into R0->R3

        WRITE R0 to ADDRESS 0x40
        WRITE R1 to ADDRESS 0x40
        WRITE R2 to ADDRESS 0x40
        WRITE R3 to ADDRESS 0x40

To capture the output of the program with LEDs, it is recommended to add a D-Flip Flop (such as a 74x273 series chip) on the output of the data buss (uio[7:0]). See External Hardware section below for more details

External hardware

Demo Setup

Demo Schematic

Something similar to the above schematic is recommended when running the Demo ROM. Note that an inverter (such as a 74x04 series chip) should be used as shown on the CLK input of the DFF. We want data to be latched when WE falls to 0 (after the data has had time to set up and make its way out of the chip). Please also note that you will probably need to run the CPU at a fairly low CLK frequency in order to see any LED activity with the naked eye.

Other Setups

The sky is the limit as far as as what devices you attach to the CPU. If you are writing your own programs, you probably are going to want to attach some sort of external ROM to the main address and data buss. Here is a recommended setup adding an external EEPROM.

External EEPROM Schematic

Beyond this, you will hopefully find that the Minibyte CPU can be paired with a wide variety 3.3V compatible parallel ROM/EPROM/EEPROM, SRAM, and IO expander modules.



Chip location

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Analog Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout 06 Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_analog_factory_test (TT06 Analog Factory Test) tt_um_urish_charge_pump (Dickson Charge Pump) tt_um_psychogenic_wowa (WoWA) tt_um_oscillating_bones (Oscillating Bones) tt_um_kevinwguan (Crossbar Array) tt_um_coloquinte_moosic (Moosic logic-locked design) tt_um_alexsegura_pong (Pong) tt_um_iron_violet_simon (Iron Violet) tt_um_tomkeddie_a (VGA Experiments in Tennis) tt_um_MichaelBell_tinyQV (TinyQV Risc-V SoC) tt_um_andychip1_sn74169 (sn74169) tt_um_mattvenn_r2r_dac (Analog 8bit R2R DAC) tt_um_thorkn_audiochip_v2 (AudioChip_V2) tt_um_faramire_gate_guesser (Gate Guesser) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says game) tt_um_TT06_SAR_wulffern (TT06 8-bit SAR ADC) tt_um_soundgen (soundgen) tt_um_ledcontroller_Gatsch (ledcontroller) tt_um_digitaler_filter_rathmayr (Digitaler Filter) tt_um_histefan_top (Snake Game) tt_um_mayrmichael_wave_generator (Wave Generator) tt_um_advanced_counter (jku-tt06-advanced-counter) tt_um_FanCTRL_DomnikBrandstetter (PI-Based Fan Controller) tt_um_ps2_morse_encoder_top (PS/2 Keyboard to Morse Code Encoder) tt_um_calculator_muehlbb (16-bit calculator) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tempsens (Temperature Sensor NG) tt_um_haeuslermarkus_fir_filter (FIR Filter with adaptable coefficients) tt_um_mattvenn_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo) tt_um_analog_loopback (Analog loopback) tt_um_entwurf_integrierter_schaltungen_hadner (Projekt KEIS Hadner Thomas) tt_um_seven_segment_fun1 (7-segment-FUN) tt_um_moving_average_master (Moving average filter) tt_um_rgbled_decoder (SPI to RGBLED Decoder/Driver) tt_um_4bit_cpu_with_fsm (4-Bit CPU mit FSM) tt_um_flappy_bird (Flappy Bird) tt_um_drops (drops) tt_um_enieman (UART-Programmable RISC-V 32I Core) tt_um_gabejessil_timer (2 Player Game) tt_um_wokwi_384804985843168257 (playwithnumbers) tt_um_wokwi_384711264596377601 (luckyCube) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC)) tt_um_wokwi_384437973887503361 (Asynchronous Down Counter) tt_um_spi_pwm_djuara (spi_pwm) tt_um_SteffenReith_PiMACTop (PiMAC) tt_um_mattvenn_relax_osc (Relaxation oscillator) tt_um_jv_sigdel (1st passive Sigma Delta ADC) tt_um_wokwi_392873974467527681 (PILIPINAS) tt_um_scorbetta_goa (GOA - grogu on ASIC) tt_um_sanojn_ttrpg_dice (TTRPG Dice + simple I2C peripheral) tt_um_urish_dffram (DFFRAM Example (128 bytes)) tt_um_lucaz97_monobit (Monobit Test) tt_um_noritsuna_i4004 (i4004 for TinyTapeout) tt_um_hpretl_tt06_tdc_v2 (Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) v2) tt_um_vaf_555_timer (A 555-Timer Clone for Tiny Tapeout 6) tt_um_obriensp_be8 (8-bit CPU with Debugger (Lite)) tt_um_toivoh_retro_console (Retro Console) tt_um_mattvenn_inverter (Double Inverter) tt_um_SteffenReith_ASGTop (ASG) tt_um_lucaz97_rng_tests (rng Test) tt_um_dieroller_nathangross1 (Die Roller) tt_um_kwilke_cdc_fifo (Clock Domain Crossing FIFO) tt_um_spiff42_exp_led_pwm (LED PWM controller) tt_um_devinatkin_fastreadout (Fast Readout Image Sensor Prototype) tt_um_ja1tye_tiny_cpu (Tiny 8-bit CPU) tt_um_7seg_animated (Animated 7-segment character display) tt_um_neurocore (Neurocore) tt_um_zhwa_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer) tt_um_wokwi_394704587372210177 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ian_keypad_controller (Keypad controller) tt_um_urish_spell (SPELL) tt_um_vks_pll (PLL blocks) tt_um_fountaincoder_top (multimac) tt_um_dsatizabal_opamp (Simple FET OpAmp with Sky130.) tt_um_obriensp_be8_nomacro (8-bit CPU with Debugger) tt_um_LFSR_shivam (10-bit Linear feedback shift register) tt_um_shivam (Pulse Width Modulation) tt_um_algofoogle_tt06_grab_bag (TT06 Grab Bag) tt_um_meiniKi_tt06_fazyrv_exotiny (FazyRV-ExoTiny) tt_um_wokwi_394888799427677185 (4-bit stochastic multiplier traditional) tt_um_QIF_8bit (8 Bit Digital QIF) tt_um_MATTHIAS_M_PAL_TOP_WRAPPER (easy PAL) tt_um_andrewtron3000 (Rule 30 Engine!) tt_um_tommythorn_4b_cpu_v2 (Silly 4b CPU v2) tt_um_aerox2_jrb8_computer (The James Retro Byte 8 computer) tt_um_wokwi_394898807123828737 (4-bit Stochastic Multiplier Compact with Stochastic Resonator) tt_um_argunda_tiny_opamp (Tiny Opamp) tt_um_fdc_chip (Frequency to digital converters (asynchronous and synchronous)) tt_um_8bit_cpu (8-Bit CPU In a Week) tt_um_mitssdd (co processor for precision farming) tt_um_fstolzcode (Tiny Zuse) tt_um_liu3hao_rv32e_min_mcu (tt06-RV32E_MinMCU) tt_um_kianV_rv32ima_uLinux_SoC (KianV uLinux SoC) tt_um_wokwi_395444977868278785 (*NOT WORKING* HP 5082-7500 Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_394618582085551105 (Keypad Decoder) tt_um_wokwi_395054820631340033 (Workshop Hackaday Juli) tt_um_wokwi_395055035944909825 (Some_LEDs) tt_um_wokwi_395055351144787969 (Hack a day Tiny Tapeout project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823569451009 (First TT Project) tt_um_wokwi_395054823837887489 (Dice) tt_um_wokwi_395055341723330561 (Workshop_chip) tt_um_jduchniewicz_prng (8-bit PRNG) tt_um_wokwi_395054564978002945 (Bestagon LED matrix driver) tt_um_wokwi_395054466384583681 (1-Bit ALU 2) tt_um_wokwi_395058308283408385 (test for tiny tapeout hackaday) tt_um_s1pu11i_simple_nco (Simple NCO) tt_um_wokwi_395055359324730369 (Tiny_Tapeout_6_Frank) tt_um_disp1 (Display test 1) tt_um_pckys_game (PCKY´s Successive Approximation Game) tt_um_tiny_shader_mole99 (Tiny Shader) tt_um_wokwi_393815624518031361 (My Chip) tt_um_minibyte (Minibyte CPU) tt_um_emilian_rf_playground (IDAC8 based on divide current by 2) tt_um_triple_watchdog (Triple Watchdog) tt_um_wokwi_395142547244224513 (EFAB Demo 2) tt_um_chisel_hello_schoeberl (Chisel Hello World) tt_um_aiju_8080 (8080 CPU) tt_um_wokwi_395134712676183041 (Inverters) tt_um_nubcore_default_tape (DEFAULT) tt_um_wuehr1999_servotester (Servotester) tt_um_wokwi_395055722430895105 (Servo Signal Tester) tt_um_exai_izhikevich_neuron (Izhikevich Neuron) tt_um_lisa (LISA 8-Bit Microcontroller) tt_um_wokwi_394707429798790145 (32-Bit Galois Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_CKPope_top (X/Y Controller) tt_um_MNSLab_BLDC (Universal Motor and Actuator Controller) tt_um_couchand_dual_deque (Dual Deque) tt_um_JamesTimothyMeech_inverter (Programmable Thing) tt_um_signed_unsigned_4x4_bit_multiplier (Signed Unsigned multiplyer) tt_um_lipsi_schoeberl (Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World) tt_um_i_tree_batzolislefteris (Anomaly Detection using Isolation trees) tt_um_wokwi_394830069681034241 (Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 bit) tt_um_rng_3_lucaz97 (RNG3) tt_um_wokwi_395263962779770881 (Bivium-B Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_dvxf_dj8 (DJ8 8-bit CPU) tt_um_silicon_tinytapeout_lm07 (Digital Temperature Monitor) tt_um_htfab_flash_adc (Flash ADC) tt_um_chisel_pong (Chisel Pong) tt_um_wokwi_395414987024660481 (HELP for tinyTapeout) tt_um_jorgenkraghjakobsen_toi2s (SPDIF to I2S decoder) tt_um_cmerrill_pdm (Parallel / SPI modulation tester) tt_um_csit_luks (CSIT-Luks) tt_um_wokwi_395357890431011841 (Trivium Non-Linear Feedback Shift Register) tt_um_drburke3_top (SADdiff_v1) tt_um_cejmu_riscv (TinyRV1 CPU) tt_um_rejunity_current_cmp (Analog Current Comparator) tt_um_loco_choco (BF Processor) tt_um_qubitbytes_alive (It's Alive) tt_um_wokwi_395061443288867841 (BCD to single 7 segment display Converter) tt_um_SJ (SiliconJackets_Systolic_Array) tt_um_ejfogleman_smsdac (8-bit DEM R2R DAC) tt_um_wokwi_395055455727667201 (Hardware Trojan Part II) tt_um_ericsmi_weste_problem_4_11 (Measurement of CMOS VLSI Design Problem 4.11) tt_um_wokwi_395034561853515777 (2 bit Binary Calculator) tt_um_mw73_pmic (Power Management IC) tt_um_Counter_1_shivam (8-bit Binary Counter) tt_um_wokwi_395054508867644417 (SynchMux) tt_um_otp_encryptor (TT06 OTP Encryptor) tt_um_wokwi_395514572866576385 (Parity Generator) tt_um_ADPCM_COMPRESSOR (ADPCM Encoder Audio Compressor) tt_um_3515_sequenceDetector (Sequence detector using 7-segment) tt_um_faramire_stopwatch (Simple Stopwatch) tt_um_ks_pyamnihc (Karplus-Strong String Synthesis) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8 (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned)) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8_sky130faha (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned) with sky130 HA/FA cells) tt_um_tommythorn_ncl_lfsr (NCL LFSR) tt_um_lk_ans_top (ANS Encoder/Decoder) tt_um_MichaelBell_latch_mem (Latch RAM (64 bytes)) tt_um_wokwi_395179352683141121 (Combination Lock) tt_um_Uart_Transciver (UART Transceiver) tt_um_dgkaminski (4-Bit ALU) tt_um_DigitalClockTop (TDM Digital Clock) tt_um_wokwi_394640918790880257 (IFSC Keypad Locker) tt_um_wokwi_395355133883896833 (BIT COMPARATOR) tt_um_alu (SumLatchUART_System) tt_um_alfiero88_VCII (VCII) tt_um_ALU (3-bit ALU) tt_um_topTDC (Convertidor de Tiempo a Digital (TDC)) tt_um_UABCReloj (24 H Clock) tt_um_CDMA_Santiago (CDMA_2024) tt_um_dr_skyler_clock (Clock) tt_um_motor (motor a pasos) tt_um_mult_2b (mult_2b) tt_um_CodHex7seg (Decodificador binario a display 7 segmentos hexadecimal) tt_um_S2P (Serial to Parallel Register) tt_um_PWM (PWM) tt_um_ss_register (serie_serie_register) tt_um_stepper (Stepper) tt_um_g3f (Generador digital trifásico) tt_um_ALU_DECODERS (ALU with a Gray and Octal decoders) tt_um_ram (4 bit RAM) tt_um_sap_1 (SAP-1 Computer) tt_um_guitar_pedal (Integrated Distorion Pedal) tt_um_mbalestrini_usb_cdc_devices (Two ports USB CDC device) tt_um_adammaj (Tiny ALU) tt_um_wokwi_395567106413190145 (4-Bit Full Adder and Subtractor with Hardware Trojan) tt_um_gak25_8bit_cpu_ext (Most minimal extension of friend's 'CPU In a Week' in a day) tt_um_hsc_tdc (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC) tt_um_BoothMulti_hhrb98 (UACJ-MIE-Booth 4) tt_um_dlmiles_poc_fskmodem_hdlctrx (FSK Modem +HDLC +UART (PoC)) tt_um_simplez_rcoeurjoly (tt6-simplez) tt_um_nurirfansyah_alits01 (Analog Test Circuit ITS: VCO) tt_um_ppca (drEEm tEEm PPCA) tt_um_wokwi_395522292785089537 (Displays CIt) tt_um_fpu (Dgrid_FPU) tt_um_duk_lif (Leaky Integrate and fire neuron(LIF)) tt_um_bomba1 (Latin_bomba) tt_um_chatgpt_rsnn_paolaunisa (ChatGPT designed Recurrent Spiking Neural Network) tt_um_bit_ctrl (Bit Control) tt_um_array_multiplier_hhrb98 (Array Multiplier) tt_um_wallace_hhrb98 (UACJ-Wallace multiplier) tt_um_I2C_to_SPI (TinyTapeout SPI Master) tt_um_rng (Random number generator) tt_um_wokwi_395599496098067457 (EVEN AND ODD COUNTERS) tt_um_8bitALU (8bit ALU) tt_um_aleena (Analog Sigmoid) tt_um_rejunity_1_58bit (Ternary 1.58-bit x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_rejunity_fp4_mul_i8 (FP4 x 8-bit matrix multiplier) tt_um_PWM_Controller (PWM Controller) tt_um_couchand_cora16 (CORA-16) tt_um_frq_divider (clk frequency divider controled by rom) tt_um_wokwi_390913889347409921 (Notre Dame Dorms LED) tt_um_timer_counter_UGM (4-Digit Scanning Digital Timer Counter) tt_um_koconnor_kstep (kstep) tt_um_lancemitrex (DIP Switch to HEX 7-segment Display) tt_um_PWM_Sine_UART (PWM_Sinewave_UART) tt_um_nicklausthompson_twi_monitor (TWI Monitor) tt_um_wokwi_395615790979120129 (Cambio de giro de motor CD) tt_um_ancho (Circuito PWM con ciclo de trabajo configurable) tt_um_wokwi_395618714068432897 (32b Fibonacci Original) tt_um_voting_thingey (Voting thingey) tt_um_hsc_tdc_buf (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - BUF2x1) tt_um_hsc_tdc_mux (UCSC HW Systems Collective, TDC - MUX2x1) tt_um_petersn_micro1 (14 Hour Simple Computer) tt_um_sanojn_tlv2556_interface (UART interface to ADC TLV2556 (VHDL Test)) tt_um_gray_sobel (Gray scale and Sobel filter) tt_um_wokwi_395614106833794049 (Universal gates) Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available