610 Sequence detector using 7-segment
610 : Sequence detector using 7-segment

- Author: Atharv Sharma & Lipika Gupta
- Description: Detects sequence '1001' and displays '8.' on 7-segment led display, otherwise displays '-' only
- GitHub repository
- Open in 3D viewer
- Clock: 1 Hz
How it works
- In this project, we have designed a sequence detector using finite state machine (FSM)
- It is designed using verilog, and detects sequence '1001'
- The logic is made using cases, and it detects the sequence while covering overlapping cases as well
How to test
- If the sequence is detected, the output register z is set to logic 1 that displays '8.' on 7-segment display
- If the sequence is not detected (the output register is 0), 7-segment display shows '-'
- LEDs can be tested in two ways when ui_in [7:1] is kept 7'b1111111 (status for testing - condition = 7'b1111111):
- If first 4 bits of reg seg_test (uio_in [7:4]) are 0 during testing, we can display numbers from 0 to 9 if we vary last 4 bits (uio_in[3:0]) from 0000 to 1001
- If first 4 bits of reg seg_test (uio_in [7:4]) are 1 during testing, we can display each led seperately by varying last 4 bits (uio_in[3:0]) from 0000 to 0111
External hardware
- We need to use 8 LEDs for 7-segment LED display output ([7:0] uo_out), so that the output can be displayed and verified accordingly at seg
- In addition to this, we need to use an input source from which we can manipulate input logic onto the input register x (ui_in[0])
# | Input | Output | Bidirectional |
0 | x | seg[0] | seg_test[0] |
1 | condition[0] | seg[1] | seg_test[1] |
2 | condition[1] | seg[2] | seg_test[2] |
3 | condition[2] | seg[3] | seg_test[3] |
4 | condition[3] | seg[4] | seg_test[4] |
5 | condition[4] | seg[5] | seg_test[5] |
6 | condition[5] | seg[6] | seg_test[6] |
7 | condition[6] | seg[7] | seg_test[7] |
Chip location