Silicon proven projects

With Tiny Tapeout chips, every designer gets everyone else’s projects, making it easy for multiple users to test the same project in silicon. This page lists all the projects that have been taped out and verified in silicon by our community.

Show shuttles:
TT06KianV uLinux SoC5
TT05Flappy VGA5
TT05VGA Dino Game5
TT05Simon Says game4
TT05VGA clock4
TT05Game of Life 8x32 (siLife)4
TT07DVD Screensaver with Tiny Tapeout Logo (Tiny VGA)3
TT06EFAB Demo 23
TT06Oscillating Bones3
TT05No Time for Squares3
TT05Super Mario Tune on A Piezo Speaker3
TT05KianV uLinux SoC3
TT077-Seg 'Tiny Tapeout' Display2
TT07My 9-year-old son made an 8-bit counter chip2
TT07VGA Checkers2
TT07Gilbert Mixer2
TT07Field Programmable Resistor Network2
TT07ALU 741812
TT0712 bit SAR ADC2
TT06TT06 Grab Bag2
TT06TT06 8-bit SAR ADC2
TT06TinyTapeout 06 Factory Test2
TT06VGA Experiments in Tennis2
TT06Tiny Zuse2
TT06Analog 8bit R2R DAC2
TT06Tiny Shader2
TT06Dickson Charge Pump2
TT06Flash ADC2
TT05TT05 Analog Testmacro (Ringo, DAC)2
TT05Character Selector2
TT05DFFRAM Example (128 bytes)2
TT05One Sprite Pony2
TT05Classic 8-bit era Programmable Sound Generator AY-3-89132
TT05Analog emulation monosynth2
TT07raybox-zero TT07 edition1
TT07VGA Perlin Noise1
TT07VGA clock1
TT07secret L1
TT07Twin Tee Sine Wave Generator1
TT07Simon Says memory game1
TT074-bit R2R DAC1
TT07RLE Video Player1
TT07Delay Line Time Multiplexed NAND Gate1
TT07KianV RISC-V RV32E Baremetal SoC1
TT07QOA Decoder1
TT07dual oscillator1
TT07PLL Playground1
TT06Relaxation oscillator1
TT06Analog loopback1
TT06RGB Mixer demo1
TT06Moosic logic-locked design1
TT06Synthesized Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC)1
TT06Two ports USB CDC device1
TT06Pulse Width Modulation1
TT06HELP for tinyTapeout1
TT06Signed Unsigned multiplyer1
TT06Simon Says game1
TT06DJ8 8-bit CPU1
TT06Digital Temperature Monitor1
TT06PCKY´s Successive Approximation Game1
TT06TTRPG Dice + simple I2C peripheral1
TT06Animated 7-segment character display1
TT06SPDIF to I2S decoder1
TT06A 555-Timer Clone for Tiny Tapeout 61
TT06Latch RAM (64 bytes)1
TT06The James Retro Byte 8 computer1
TT06TinyQV Risc-V SoC1
TT068-bit CPU with Debugger (Lite)1
TT068-bit CPU with Debugger1
TT06Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 bit1
TT06Lipsi: Probably the Smallest Processor in the World1
TT05TT05 Analog Test1
TT05Ring oscillator with counter1
TT05VGA Experiments1
TT05Shaman: SHA-256 hasher1
TT05UART Greeter with RNN Module1
TT05PRBS Generator1
TT05UART uwuifier1
TT05Neptune guitar tuner (proportional window, version b, debug output on bidir pins, larger set of frequencies)1
TT05Blinking A1
TT05Hex Countdown1
TT05RGB Mixer1
TT057 segment display1
TT05Naive 8-bit Binary Counter1
TT054-Bit ALU1
TT05TinyTapeout 05 Loopback Test Module1
TT05TinyTapeout 05 Factory Test1
TT05Collatz conjecture brute-forcer1
TT05Standard cell generator and tester1
TT058-Bit Shift Register with Output Latches 74HC5951
TT05Stop Watch1
TT05Supecon Gate Play1
TT054 Bit Pipelined Multiplier1
TT05Count via LFSR1
TT05Supercon Workshop1
TT05Digital Desk Clock1
TT04Number Factorizer1
TT04Tiny Breakout1
TT04PWM audio1
TT04Risc-V Nano V1
TT04Time Multiplexed Nand-gate1
TT04Simon Says game1
TT04Chip ROM1
TT04VGA clock1
TT04TinyTapeout 04 Factory Test1
TT04USB CDC (Serial)1
TT04MULDIV unit (4-bit signed/unsigned)1
TT04Experiment Number Six: Laplace LUT1