293 Demo by a1k0n

293 : Demo by a1k0n

Design render

a1k0n's tinytapeout08 demo compo entry


How it works

It's a standalone VGA+sound demo that fits in two tiles; you'll just have to see. The demo is short, looping after about 25 seconds.

This was developed with a 48MHz clock, so it's in a funky VGA video mode -- it's standard 640x480@60Hz VGA timing and 4:3 aspect ratio, but with 1220 horizontal pixels instead of 640. All graphics are dithered down to RGB222 with a Bayer matrix which alternates each frame. Because of the dithering and the weird resolution, it looks best on a real CRT, but any VGA monitor ought to work.

Sound is generated using a 16-bit sigma-delta DAC on io7 from an internal 3-channel synth (triangle, noise, and square waves).

Sines and cosines are generated by an old HAKMEM trick which generates a slightly off-center circle but that doesn't matter in this application:

  cos_new = cos - (sin>>k)
  sin_new = sin + (cos_new(!)>>k)

The plane is rendered by doing a bit-by-bit non-restoring division of the y coordinate during the horizontal blanking interval to find a fixed point reciprocal, which is then used as an x increment for the plane u coordinate. As a drastic simplification, the plane v coordinate is also the x increment value (when you do the math, it turns out they are proportional).

Starfield is generated by an LFSR that increments every line which provides an x-offset and speed for each star by picking out individual bits of the LFSR state.

The "TT08" logo uses the outline of an old demo font, but the actual coloring is procedural as it would take too much combinational logic to reproduce exactly.

Soundtrack is a riff on "Crooner" by Drax/Vibrants, composed as a bunch of text in a Python script with limitations on song structure and octave range. Kick drum and bass share the triangle channel, lead arpeggios on square, and hihat noise.

I'm not super happy about the "programmer colors" everywhere, but I ran out of room trying to add palettes.

How to test

Run clock at 48MHz, connect VGA and sound Pmods, and give it a reset pulse (falling edge).

External hardware

Follows the democompo hardware rules:

TinyVGA Pmod for video on o[7:0].

1-bit sound on io[7], compatible with Tiny Tapeout Audio Pmod, or any basic ~20kHz RC filter on io7 to an amplifier will work.



Chip location

Controller Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux Mux tt_um_chip_rom (Chip ROM) tt_um_factory_test (TinyTapeout Factory Test) tt_um_MichaelBell_tinyQV (TinyQV Risc-V SoC) tt_um_urish_silife_max (Game of Life 8x32 (siLife)) tt_um_vc32_cpu (VC 16-bit CPU) tt_um_tinytapeout_logo_screensaver (VGA Screensaver with Tiny Tapeout Logo) tt_um_htfab_rotfpga2 (ROTFPGA v2a) tt_um_htfab_latch_test (Latch test) tt_um_no_time_for_squares_tommythorn (No Time For Squares, IHP edition) tt_um_tommythorn_maxbw (Asynchronous Multiplier) tt_um_urish_simon (Simon Says memory game) tt_um_htfab_rotfpga2_ff (ROTFPGA v2b) tt_um_meiniKi_ttihp_fazyrv_exotiny (FazyRV-ExoTiny) tt_um_rebeccargb_hardware_utf8 (Hardware UTF Encoder/Decoder) tt_um_rebeccargb_universal_decoder (Universal Binary to Segment Decoder) tt_um_algofoogle_raybox_zero (raybox-zero TTIHP0p2 edition) tt_um_z2a_rgb_mixer (RGB Mixer demo) tt_um_vga_clock (VGA clock) tt_um_frequency_counter (Frequency counter) tt_um_brandonramos_VGA_Pong_with_NES_Controllers (VGA Pong with NES Controllers) tt_um_demosiine_sda (DemoSiine) tt_um_toivoh_demo_deluxe (Sequential Shadows Deluxe [TT08 demo competition]) tt_um_edwintorok (Rounding error) tt_um_2048_vga_game (2048 sliding tile puzzle game (VGA)) tt_um_hpretl_spi (SPI Test) tt_um_top_mole99 (One Sprite Pony) tt_um_urish_spell (SPELL) tt_um_rebeccargb_vga_pride (VGA Pride) tt_um_autosel (I2C EEPROM Project Selection) tt_um_a1k0n_nyancat (VGA Nyan Cat) tt_um_a1k0n_vgadonut (VGA donut) tt_um_rebeccargb_colorbars (Color Bars) tt_um_crispy_vga (Crispy VGA) tt_um_kbeckmann_flame (Flame demo) tt_um_jamesrosssharp_1bitam (1bit_am_sdr) tt_um_simon_cipher (simon_cipher) tt_um_htfab_bouncy_capsule (Bouncy Capsule) tt_um_phansel_laplace_lut (Experiment Number Six: Laplace LUT) tt_um_kianv_bare_metal (KianV RISC-V RV32E Baremetal SoC) tt_um_calonso88_rsa (8 bit RSA encryption) tt_um_silice (Warp) tt_um_rejunity_vga_test01 (VGA Drop (audio/visual demo)) tt_um_a1k0n_demo (Demo by a1k0n) tt_um_MichaelBell_canon (TT08 Pachelbel's Canon demo) tt_um_htfab_caterpillar (Simon's Caterpillar) tt_um_ravenslofty_chess (Chess) tt_um_fountaincoder_top_V2 (maddihp) tt_um_tomkeddie_a (VGA Experiments in Tennis) tt_um_MichaelBell_mandelbrot (VGA Mandelbrot) tt_um_MichaelBell_rle_vga (RLE Video Player) tt_um_jayjaywong12 (mulmul) tt_um_wokwi_392873974467527681 (PILIPINASLASALLE) tt_um_froith_goldcrest (Goldcrest RISC-V) tt_um_dvxf_dj8v (DJ8 8-bit CPU) tt_um_hpretl_minilogix (Minilogix) tt_um_tomkeddie_b (Transmit UART) tt_um_joerdsonsilva_modem (Multimode Modem) tt_um_oled_frequency_counter (Frequency Counter SSD1306 OLED) tt_um_stochastic_addmultiply_CL123abc (Stochastic Multiplier, Adder and Self-Multiplier) tt_um_QIF_8bit (8 Bit Digital QIF) tt_um_toivoh_retro_console (Retro Console) tt_um_cejmu (CEJMU Beers and Adders) tt_um_rejunity_sn76489 (Classic 8-bit era Programmable Sound Generator SN76489) tt_um_dlmiles_tt05_i2c_bert (I2C BERT) tt_um_dlmiles_muldiv8 (MULDIV unit (8-bit signed/unsigned)) tt_um_dlmiles_loopback (IHP loopback tile with input skew measurement) tt_um_dlmiles_bad_synchronizer (Example of Bad Synchronizer) tt_um_wokwi_407306064811090945 (DDR throughput and flop aperature test) tt_um_urish_giant_ringosc (Giant Ring Oscillator (3853 inverters)) tt_um_digital_clock_example (Digital Desk Clock v2.0) tt_um_rejunity_z80 (Zilog Z80) tt_um_rejunity_ay8913 (Classic 8-bit era Programmable Sound Generator AY-3-8913) tt_um_rtfb_collatz (Collatz conjecture brute-forcer) tt_um_ccattuto_conway (Conway's Game of Life on UART and VGA) tt_um_snow (Snow) tt_um_calonso88_74181 (8-bit ALU based on 2x 74181) tt_um_rejunity_vga_logo (VGA Tiny Logo (1 tile)) tt_um_NicklausThompson_SkyKing (SkyKing Demo) tt_um_htfab_cells (Cell mux) tt_um_htfab_pg_1x1 (Power gating test (1x1)) tt_um_htfab_pg_1x2 (Power gating test (1x2)) tt_um_dlmiles_ringosc_5inv (Ring Oscillator (5 inverter)) tt_um_devinatkin_pulse_width_counter (Pulse Width Counter) tt_um_algofoogle_vga_fun_wrapper (TTIHP VGA FUN!) tt_um_cfib_demo (cfib Demoscene Entry) tt_um_vga_glyph_mode (Glyph Mode) tt_um_favoritohjs_scroller (VGA Scroller) tt_um_pulse_generator (TTL Pulse Generator) tt_um_rajum_iterativeMAC (Iterative MAC) tt_um_algofoogle_tinyvga_fun_wrapper (TTIHP TinyVGA FUN!) tt_um_urish_sram_test (SRAM (1024x8) test) tt_um_one_bit_puf_wrapper (One Bit PUF) tt_um_multi_bit_puf_wrapper (One Bit PUF) tt_um_gray_sobel (Gray scale and Sobel filter) tt_um_rebeccargb_intercal_alu (INTERCAL ALU)