84 Customizable Padlock

84 : Customizable Padlock

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Tiny Tapeout 02 (J. Rosenthal)
  • Description: This design implements a customizable padlock. Set a code for your digital safe!
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 0 Hz

How it works

Switch 2 is used to reset the safe. Switch 8 is used to set your code (on = set, off = locked). Switches 3 to 5 are used to set the code. The push button is used to enter your code.

How to test

Set your desired code using Switches 3 to 5. Once you’ve done so, toggle Switch 8 to on then back off–the safe is now set! Turn on Switch 2, and press the push button. The seven segment display should show “L” (for locked). Next turn off Switch 2 to begin entering codes. If you enter a correct code, thw seven segment display should show “U” (for unlocked).

External hardware



0N/Asegment a
1Resetsegment b
2Code 0segment c
3Code 1segment d
4Code 2segment e
5N/Asegment f
6N/Asegment g
7Set Code