240 Two Bit Universal FSM

240 : Two Bit Universal FSM

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2

How it works

It's a Moore Finite State Machine where the "next step logic" is sinthetized by a Dual-port RAM and latched in a register. "Instructions" are loaded into the ram using port A through a 16 bit shift registed, clocked in A7-A0-D7-D0 format; once loaded they are written into RAM gating the RW pin. The FSM itself uses port B of ram. Two inputs are concatenated with the address, forming the "next state", and the two ouputs are taken from the Data bus memory. The CLK runs the machine.

How to test

  • Initial conditions: clk_shft=0, clk_data=0, wr_shft=0, reset=0; clk_cpu=0, entradas=00 (sorry for the spanish)
  • Pulse reset line (0->1->0)
  • Gate 16 bits using clk_shft and data_shft inputs, knowing that (MSB)(LSB) are (A7 downto A0)(D7 downto D0) "instructions", rising edge clock active.
  • Once 16 clocks are gated, pulse wr_shft to 1 (0->1->0). Now, contents of shift register are written into RAM
  • Once the 256 (or desired) instructions are written in ram, start clk_cpu.
  • Output salidas(Q1,Q0) should start responding to input entradas(D1,D0) in a finite state machine fashion, in synch with cl.

External hardware

A microcomputer to load the RAM instructions (can be an Arduino), and a clock to run the FSM

