223 CRC-16 and Parity calculator

223 : 0b 011 011 111 : CRC-16 and Parity calculator

Select Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON SW2
  • Author: Chris Burton
  • Description: CRC-16/XModem and Even Parity calculator based on Ben Eater error detection videos.
  • GitHub repository
  • Wokwi project
  • Extra docs
  • Clock: 0 Hz
  • External hardware: Can be used with any microcontroller, or by toggling switches.

How it works

Two banks of CRC calculators (A and B) each with inputs for the shift register data and clock, active low reset (when high toggle shiftClk to reset) and read back mode which disables the feedback XOR to allow reading data back out.

How to test

Connect Pico as shown in Wokwi and run test code to send a string, read back calculated CRC/parity and compare.


# Input Output
0 nRst_A crcOutput_A
1 shiftData_A parity_A
2 shiftClk_A none
3 nRead_A none
4 nRst_B crcOutput_B
5 shiftData_B parity_B
6 shiftClk_B none
7 nRead_B none