191 SRLD

191 : SRLD

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2

How it works

Data is inputted to an 8-bit shift register, the data can then be (optionally) latched, data can be switched around if needed based on shifted data being LSB/MSB first, cylcles between decoding high/low nibble to show on the 7-segment display.

How to test

Use shiftIn and shiftClk to clock in 8-bits of data. Toggle latch to move data from shift register to the latch. 7-seg display will show alternating high/low nibbles. If useLatch is high data comes from the latch otherwise it will be shown 'live' as it's shifted in. If cycle_display is low the display will cycle between high/low nibble otherwise it will show the nibble selected by lowHighNibble. mslLsb will switch between showing the shifted data as MSB or LSB first.

External hardware

Switches and 7-segment display


0displayClocksegment a
1shiftInsegment b
2shiftClksegment c
3latchsegment d
4cycle_displaysegment e
5lowHighNibblesegment f
6useLatchsegment g
7mslLsbHigh/low nibble indicator