190 BCD to Hex 7-Segment Decoder

190 : 0b 010 111 110 : BCD to Hex 7-Segment Decoder

Select Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON SW2
  • Author: JinGen Lim
  • Description: Converts a 4-bit BCD input into a hexadecimal 7-segment display output
  • GitHub repository
  • HDL project
  • Extra docs
  • Clock: 0 Hz
  • External hardware: 7-segment display

How it works

The IC accepts four binary-coded decimal input signals, and generates a corresponding hexadecimal 7-segment output signal. Segment outputs may be inverted with the INVERT pin to support both common cathode/anode displays.

How to test

Connect the segment outputs to a 7-segment display. Configure the input (IN0:0, IN1:2, IN2:4, IN3:8). The input value will be shown on the 7-segment display


# Input Output
0 input 1 (BCD 1) segment a
1 input 2 (BCD 2) segment b
2 input 3 (BCD 4) segment c
3 input 4 (BCD 8) segment d
4 decimal dot (passthrough) segment e
5 output invert segment f
6 none segment g
7 none segment dot