182 Whisk: 16-bit Serial RISC CPU

182 : 0b 010 110 110 : Whisk: 16-bit Serial RISC CPU

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  • Author: Luke Wren
  • Description: Execute a simple 16-bit RISC-style instruction set from up to 64 kilobytes of external SPI SRAM.
  • GitHub repository
  • HDL project
  • Extra docs
  • Clock: 6000 Hz
  • External hardware: - An SPI SRAM with 16-bit addresses and support for sequential mode accesses, e.g. Microchip 23K256T-I
  • A host interface for loading and initialising the SPI SRAM, e.g. Raspberry Pi Pico

  • (optional) Two 74HC595 shift registers for a 16-bit output port

  • (optional) A 74HC166 shift register for an 8-bit input port

All of these components will be integrated on the Whisk host board, see the project GitHub page.

How it works

Whisk uses a single SPI interface for instruction fetch, loads and stores on an external SPI SRAM. The SPI serial clock is driven at the same frequency as Whisk’s clock input. The program counter, and the six general purpose registers, are all 16 bits in size, so up to 64 kilobytes of memory can be addressed.

Internally, Whisk is fully serial: registers and the program counter are read and written one bit at a time. This matches the throughput of the SPI memory interface, and leaves more area free for having more/larger general purpose registers as well as leaving room for expansion on future Tiny Tapeouts.

An optional IO port interface adds up to 16 outputs and 8 inputs, using standard parallel-in-serial-out and serial-in-parallel-out shift registers. Whisk can read or write these ports in a single instruction. These can be used for bitbanging external hardware such as displays, LEDs and buttons.

How to test

You will need a Whisk host board, with memory and the host interface to load it. See the project GitHub page.


# Input Output
0 clk mem_csn
1 rst_n mem_sck
2 mem_sdi mem_sdo
3 ioport_sdi ioport_sck
4 none ioport_sdo
5 none ioport_latch_i
6 none ioport_latch_o
7 none none