148 LEDChaser from LiteX test

148 : LEDChaser from LiteX test

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Nick Østergaard
  • Description: This is just a small demo of synthezing verilog from LiteX, this does not include any CPU.
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 0 Hz

How it works

It just implements LEDChaser from the LiteX LED core demo, where io_in[3:7] is duty cycle

How to test

Add LEDs on the outputs in a straight line -- or probe all signals on a scope and check that you get a 'moving' train of pulses.


0clockled a
1resetled b
2pwm_width 0led c
3pwm_width 1led d
4pwm_width 2led e
5pwm_width 3led f
6pwm_width 4led g
7pwm_width 5led h