104 4-spin Ising Chain Simulation

104 : 4-spin Ising Chain Simulation

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Seppe Van Dyck
  • Description: A self-contained physics simulation. This circuit simulates 4 spins of an Ising chain in an external field.
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 20 Hz

How it works

It runs the Metropolis-Hastings monte-carlo algorithm to simulate 4 Ising spins in a linear chain with two external neighbours and an external field. Every monte-carlo step (10 clock cycles) a random number is created through a 32-bit LFSR and is compared to an 8-bit representations of the acceptance probability of a random spin flip. Using the inputs for external neighbors, N of these circuits can be chained together to create a 4N spin Ising chain.

How to test

The design can be tested by enabling one of the neighbours (input 4 or 5) and leave all other inputs low, the system will evolve into a ground state with every other spin pointing up.

External hardware




0clock, clock input.segment a, Spin 0.
1T0, LSB of the 3-bit temperature representation.segment b, Spin 1.
2T1, Middle bit of the 3-bit temperature.segment c, Spin 2.
3T2, MSB of the 3-bit temperature.segment d, Spin 3.
4N1, Value of neighbour 1 (up/1 or down/0).segment e, Neighbour 2.
5N2, Value of neighbour 2 (up/1 or down/0).segment f, Neighbour 1.
6J, The sign of the NN coupling constant J.
7H, Value of the coupling to the external field H.segment h, MC Step Indicator.