50 Microtapeout

50 : Microtapeout

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Enno Schnackenberg
  • Description: A Shift Register, A seven segment encoder (Hexadecimal), 1 Bit ALU, 3 Bit Adder and a suprise
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 0 Hz

How it works

You can select the project over Input 0 and 1 (e.g. 01 for the seven segment encoder) and then have the 6 remaining pins for the project

How to test

Shift Register

Set Input 0 and 1 to LOW. Input 2 is the Data In Pin, Input 3 is the Shift Register Clock and Input 4 the Ooutput Latch


Set Input 0 and 1 to HIGH and then you can use Input 5 to 7 for the multiplexer Inputs 2 to 4 are for the Inputs of the ALU the Output is connected to Output 1


Set the Inputs like for the ALU, but now ise Inputs 2 to 4 for the first number and Inputs 5 to 7 for the second. Outputs 1 to 4 are the Resulting number

Seven Segment

Set Input 0 to LOW and Input 1 to HIGH and then use Inputs 3 - 6 for the number input (MSB first)


0Project Select 0segment a
1Project Select 1segment b
2I1segment c
3I2segment d
4I3segment e
5I4segment f
6I5segment g