41 Toy CPU

41 : 0b 000 101 001 : Toy CPU

Select Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON SW2
  • Author: jordan336
  • Description: Toy CPU is an 8 bit toy CPU for the Tiny Tapeout project.
  • GitHub repository
  • HDL project
  • Extra docs
  • Clock: 10000 Hz
  • External hardware:

How it works


Opcode Mnemonic Name Description
000 DISP Display data_out = reg[src_a]
001 ADD Add reg[dest] = reg[src_a] + reg[src_b]
010 ADD_I Add (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] + imm
011 AND And reg[dest] = reg[src_a] & reg[src_b]
100 AND_I And (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] & imm
101 OR Or reg[dest] = reg[src_a] | reg[src_b]
110 OR_I Or (immediate) reg[dest] = reg[src_a] | imm
111 STRE Store reg[dest] = imm

Instruction format

Instructions are passed using the upper 6 bits of the inputs. Depending on the opcode, the full instruction with opcode and all arguments is passed using one, two, or three 6 bit instruction words.

Word Input [7:5] Input [4:2] Input [1] Input [0]
0 opcode[2:0] src_a[2:0] rst clk
1 dest[2:0] src_b[2:0] or imm[7:5] rst clk
2 {X,imm[4:3]} imm[2:0] rst clk
Opcode Mnemonic Number of Instruction Words
000 DISP 1
001 ADD 2
010 ADD_I 3
011 AND 2
100 AND_I 3
101 OR 2
110 OR_I 3
111 STRE 3

Start input

After exiting reset, the Toy CPU looks for a start input to begin processing the instruction stream. The start input is all 1s in the 6 bit instruction word (0x3F). After sampling the start sequence, the CPU will interpret the next 6 bit instruction word as the first word in the instruction stream.

How to test

Drive a clock on input pin 0 and perform a reset using pin 1. Drive the start input on the 6 bit instruction word, then encode your instructions in the above format on the 6 bit instruction word interface.


# Input Output
0 clock data_out[0]
1 reset data_out[1]
2 instruction[0] data_out[2]
3 instruction[1] data_out[3]
4 instruction[2] data_out[4]
5 instruction[3] data_out[5]
6 instruction[4] data_out[6]
7 instruction[5] data_out[7]