36 Binary to DEC and HEX

36 : Binary to DEC and HEX

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Norberto Hernandez-Como
  • Description: Converts a 4 digit binary number to decimal or to hexadecimal using a 7-segment display
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 0 Hz

How it works

Converts a 4 digit binary number to decimal or to hexadecimal using a 7-segment display

How to test

Select binary to decimal with input 6 (named Dec, the dot is displayed) or binary to hexadecimal with input 7 (named Hex). Input a 4 digit binary number using inputs B3, B2, B1, B0 and see in the 7-segment display the converted number in decimal or hexadecimal. All forbiden combinations are not displayed.


0B0segment a
1B1segment b
2B2segment c
3B3segment d
4segment e
5segment f
6Decsegment g