162 Customizable UART String

162 : Customizable UART String

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Tiny Tapeout 02 (J. Rosenthal)
  • Description: This design Supports sending multiple ASCII characters over UART.
  • GitHub repository
  • Clock: 300 Hz

How it works

This circuit implements five shift registers with 21 bits: seven idle bits, one start bit, eight data bits, one stop bit, and four more idle bits. The circuit supports transmitting a string of ASCII characters

How to test

Connect an Arduino serial RX pin to the eight output pin (Output[7]). In the Arduino code, set the serial baud rate Serial.begin(<baud rate>); in the *.ino file to 300. Set the PCB clock frequency to 300 Hz as well. Set the slide switch to the clock. Set SW7 to OFF ('Load'). Set SW8 to ON ('Output Enable'). Set SW7 to ON ('TX').

External hardware

Arduino, computer with serial monitor connected to the Arduino


0clocksegment a (Output Enable)
1N/Asegment b (Load/TX)
2N/Asegment c
3N/Asegment d
4N/Asegment e
5N/Asegment f
6Load/TXsegment g
7Output EnableUART Serial Out