98 Funny Blinky

98 : Funny Blinky

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: regymm
  • Description: Blink the 8 output LEDs in a funny way.
  • GitHub repository
  • Clock: 1000 Hz

How it works


How to test

When function switch is turned off, all LEDs will be blinky. When switch is on, it works as a double 14-bit counter, to be used together with the mcpi module -- in this case we have pause switch and two output control switches to show all bits of the counters.


0clockled 0
1resetled 1
2led 2
3led 3
4switch out ctrl 0led 4
5switch out ctrl 1led 5
6switch pauseled 6
7switch functionled 7