116 Baudot Converter

116 : Baudot Converter

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Arthur Hazleden
  • Description: This circuit will convert ASCII serial data to baudot serial data provide the reverse funtion as well
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 1000 Hz

How it works

UARTS and two conversion ROMs

How to test

Serial data in and see how it goes.

External hardware

The ASCII is expected to come in/out from a USB-serial adapter. The baudot is a 60mA current loop so something hefty is required.


0ascii clock at 8x desired baudratesegment a
1baudot clock at 100x desired baudratesegment b
2baudot input, should be held high when line is idle but connectedsegment c
3segment d
4segment e
5segment f
6segment g