137 Option23 Serial

137 : 0b 010 001 001 : Option23 Serial

Select Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON SW2

How it works

clock: clocks out character columns or shifts in data. Data is 8bits LSB first. Highest bit is ignored. Data = b01xxxxxx ASCII character no x + 32. data = b00xxxxxx bitmap column. under/over is underline and overline for all bitmap columns

How to test

Shift in some data and set din = 1111111 to clock out characters and graphics


# Input Output
0 clock led 0
1 reset led 1
2 write led 2
3 din led 3
4 under led 4
5 over led 5
6 none led 6
7 none led 7