129 4:2 Compressor

129 : 4:2 Compressor

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: saicharan0112
  • Description: A Basic 4:2 compressor which contains 4 inputs and 1 carry_in bit which compresses to 2 outputs and 1 carry_out bit
  • GitHub repository
  • Open in 3D viewer
  • Clock: 0 Hz

How it works

It compressors 4 inputs to 2 inputs. This is used to compress partial products inside multipliers

How to test

Follow the truth table of 4:2 compressor online with 4 inputs and carry_in bit and observe the 2 outputs and carry_out bit


0a1 is one of the 4 main input bitso1 is the one of the 3 compressed output bits
1a2 is one of the 4 main input bitso2 is the one of the 3 compressed output bits
2a3 is one of the 4 main input bitscout is the carry_out bit
3a4 is one of the 4 main input bits
4cin is the carry_in input bit