129 4:2 Compressor

129 : 0b 010 000 001 : 4:2 Compressor

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How it works

It compressors 4 inputs to 2 inputs. This is used to compress partial products inside multipliers

How to test

Follow the truth table of 4:2 compressor online with 4 inputs and carry_in bit and observe the 2 outputs and carry_out bit


# Input Output
0 a1 is one of the 4 main input bits o1 is the one of the 3 compressed output bits
1 a2 is one of the 4 main input bits o2 is the one of the 3 compressed output bits
2 a3 is one of the 4 main input bits cout is the carry_out bit
3 a4 is one of the 4 main input bits none
4 cin is the carry_in input bit none
5 none none
6 none none
7 none none