125 w5s8: universal turing machine core

125 : 0b 001 111 101 : w5s8: universal turing machine core

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How it works

Uses combinational logic to implements a (state, symbol) -> (state, symbol, direction) transition function

How to test

Provide state & symbol as inputs, and the module should output the state, symbol, and direction according to the table in test.py.


# Input Output
0 clock none
1 state_in[0] next_direction
2 state_in[1] new_sym[0]
3 state_in[2] new_sym[1]
4 sym_in[0] new_sym[2]
5 sym_in[1] new_state[0]
6 sym_in[2] new_state[1]
7 mode new_state[2]