28 Loading Animation

28 : Loading Animation

Design renderSelect Project123456789ONSW2
  • Author: Andre & Milosch Meriac
  • Description: Submission for tt02 - Rotating Dash
  • GitHub repository
  • Clock: 10000 Hz

How it works

Slide switch to external clock. All DIP switches to off. DIP2 (Reset) on to run (Reset is low-active). By switching DIP3 (Mode) on and setting the sliding switch to Step-Button, the Step-Button can be now used to animate step by step.

How to test

Slide switch to external clock. All DIP switches to off. DIP2 (Reset) on to run (Reset is low-active).

External hardware

Default PCB



0clocksegment a
1resetsegment b
2modesegment c
3segment d
4segment e
5segment f