113 A LED Flasher

113 : 0b 001 110 001 : A LED Flasher

Select Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ON SW2
  • Author: Ben Everard
  • Description: Select different inputs to generate different LED patterns
  • GitHub repository
  • Wokwi project
  • Extra docs
  • Clock: 0 Hz
  • External hardware: A LED on each pin

Image path is broken

How it works

see How To Test

How to test

input 1 - clock input input 2 - feed NOT LED 1 back into the shift register – this creates a pattern where every other LED is switched on input 3 - feed 1 into the shift register if both the first two LEDs are off. This creates a pattern where every third LED is on input 4 - feed 1 into the shift register if the first three LEDs are off. This creates a pattern where every fourth LED is on input 5 - feed 1 into the shift register if all the LEDs are off. This creates a pattern of one light scanning across the LEDs input 6 - set the direction of the shift register input 7 - toggles fixed direction or alternating direction. If alternating direction is set, the direction of the shift register will flip if all the LEDs are off input 8 - enable the clock divider


# Input Output
0 clock LED1
1 not_1 LED2
2 not_1_2 LED3
3 not_1_2_3 LED4
4 not_all LED5
5 direction LED6
6 toggle_direction LED7
7 clock_div_enable LED8